Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Nostr is an Anagram of Snort

I feel like nicknaming it Snort so I'm going to. 

Snort might be for real. It's basically philosophically-correct* Twatter, it's guaranteed to be workable, but of course mortals hate functionality (for being virtuous) so who knows whether it will get Gabbed or not. 

How is a decentralized network supposed to tell you what to think? How are you supposed to know which ones are State approved? Like, what's even the point? Can you even call it social media if it isn't socialism?

Amusingly much of the energy behind the Snort network is Jack Dorsey. It took him two decades and millions of man-hours wasted chasing a stupid design, but he finally worked out what Twatter should always have been in the first place. He could have instead asked any competent thinker...

Quis custodiet is, of course, cutting-edge. You can't expect anyone to keep up with thought that's only a couple millennia old. Be patient, they're busy folk. Just now starting to come to terms with the discoveries of old dynasty Egypt... What kind of loser thinks? You mean, like, voluntarily? What, you want me to know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it? Ha! Never!

Naturally Snort still demonstrates the woeful weakness of trying to do logic empirically. They haven't realized you should store your Twatter timeline locally. Sure if you're Snorting out videos or whatever you might not always want to keep local copies, but text is basically free in terms of storage costs. There's no reason a Snort Twatter clone wouldn't always be a server, it's just that sometimes you only want other servers as clients.

They learn if and only if Reality bloodies her teaching stick on their scalps. 


On the plus side, remember if you ever want to compete with these idiots, a modicum of logic manufacturing lets you faceroll them. NPCs can't play with real players.

I wonder if the value of a centralized social/connectivity doohickey rests almost entirely on the prestige of the proprietor? Folk don't dislike Gab due to features or whatever, but because the crew looks kind of sketchy. Twitter is popular right now because Musk is very rich and not too anti-Satanist (i.e. popular). Plausible, but I can't think of any hard confirms or denies. 

*(There have been no real philosophers for at least 400 years. Got onto the Woke bandwagon super early. Philosophers, or rather philosophasters do indeed have high V-IQ and are good at getting out ahead of trends. Not high enough to grok that chasing trends is stupid, though. Even if you're so good you can make it look like the trend is chasing you by getting ahead of it on the railroad.)

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