Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A Rich Country Has Houseblimps

Houseboats exist. There's no reason a houseblimp shouldn't exist. The enormous balloon would create lots of drag, making it impractical for efficient travel, but it's a house - being able to travel at all would be grand. 

Basically it's cool. Why not use huge amounts of money to make cool shit purely for the cool factor?

Easy answer for easy question: America is in fact poor and can't afford cool shit. It can barely afford to feed itself using loot from its conquered colonies, such as Japan, Canada, and Germany. 

The technology for a floating castle exists. Have longer lines so the floater doesn't shade the ground too badly. Could loft a whole estate by using more balloons.
Make a public attraction so it pays for itself, or at least partly pays for itself. Naturally, the commute up would be handled by small blimp.

Why not?

Where's my theme park that has submersible rentals? There are Subnautica-style seamoths in real life. At $3 mill a pop, they're impractically expensive for individual ownership, but they could be rented for a reasonable price. What do you think? Maybe 'flying' underwater might be fun?

Why not?

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