Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Americans Like Woke Beer

Bud Light sales did not drop by 90%.

Also, they should have already not been drinking it.

Not because Woke, although yes they've been Woke since the 60s so, but because the beer sucks. Homebrew is cheaper, better, and isn't abominably adulterated with toxic waste.

Americans just like Tyranny.

Sales didn't drop because there isn't demand, but because Americans are perverts and have perverted responses.

The slaves know virtue is being whipped. More pain more better. However, some of the slaves are overburdened and can't bring themselves to submit to this additional whipping. It's okay, they'll pluck up their courage and wade into the fire. They merely need to psych themselves up first. 

Americans should have already not been sending their kids to school / drinking Fascist beer. Except Americans are Fascist and like Fascism. Suicide is the point. Self-destruction is the goal. (Perhaps you could say Budweiser thought they were too successful and wanted to be less prestigious. Self-destruction successful.)

They would like to nuke their own ammo dumps - after storing them under schools - they're just too cowardly and squeamish actually do it. Have to psyop themselves into doing what they wanted to do all along. 

System working as intended.

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