Monday, April 22, 2024

Remember Both Red and Blue Hate it When Republicans Win

 "Shape up! Keep it together!" That's the red reaction when a red party wins an election. Republicants are trying to lose, and Demobrats are trying to win but make it look like a fight. When red wins, it's like blue picked a fight with a scarecrow and lost. Utterly pathetic. "You can do better!"

 One way to see the Biden thing; "See? We can win against the scarecrow whenever we want!" Nobody genuinely minds the steal since for both sides the goal is that blue wins. However, they lost at the other part of the game: making it seem like a fight. You can rig the election all you want, but you're not supposed to allow it to appear as if it's not a real election. If you can't keep up appearances, what's even the point? Just openly have a despotic dictatorship and have done with it. 

 Republicants are training dummies. They're supposed to keep Demobrats in shape. At least, they're supposed to be whipping boys so that Demobrats can get exercise with some vigorous whipping. Unfortunately, Republicants love getting whipped so much the Demobrats recoil, don't want to have anything to do with them, and lose elections. 

 That and they're exactly as senescent as they appear. The decay is advanced. They can't get it up for even the most depraved of advanced professional prostitutes. The sluttiest display does nothing for them. The girls were so happy with Hugh Hefner because he had ED and their real job was to lie about it.

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