Thursday, February 6, 2025


 It is break time.

 Posts will resume at an unknown point in the future. Also at an unknown rate, though daily is still least unlikely.

 It will not, however, be at an unknown rhythm. It will be specifically an 8th of the month, at the usual time. There's no need to hammer f5...I know at least one of you would. Statistically inevitable. If there's no post on the 8th, try next month. Or use the RSS or whatever.

 Exception: if the hiatus goes long I'll re-name it [sabbatical]. I will decide at the time what day of the month to post this on, but the return date will become known. In other words if you see a post not on the 8th it's only to say the hiatus is lasting longer.
 Exception: if I die unexpectedly, there will be a series of weird shit at random moments in 2031.


rezzealaux said...

>There are several predictions that say the end of the current Kali Yuga(dark age) is either in 2029 or 2030,
i am suddenly spooped

Alrenous said...

If I'm personally responsible for the kali yuga my corpse is going to rise solely so it can laugh itself to re-death.