Saturday, February 1, 2025

Boolean Thinking vs. Santaism

 "This is a perfect example of what I'm going to start calling "Santaism," as in "believing that Santa brings infinity free goodies, therefore if you don't share your effortless, infinite wealth, you are a meanie." 

 "Believe it or not, leftoid mud goblins actually lack the cognitive ability to process thoughts like "white men or my family or whoever else I hate are actual humans"

 More false than true. Classic midwit overcomplication.

 Men are stronger than women. This is a scalar comparison, but it's much cognitively simpler to have a boolean. 0=powerless, 1=omnipotent.

 In particular, if nobody does (or nobody should) listen to you, spending effort on nuanced opinions is a waste of time. Women round to the nearest boolean. Most peasants round to the nearest boolean.

 Since men are omnipotent, if they're not giving the woman nice things, it's solely out of spite. He has one thing, therefore he doesn't have zero things, therefore he has everything. If !=0, then 1, see? No matter how much he gives away, as long as he has one thing left, it's more than women have, therefore he's still omnipotent.

 "But lots of men say this too!"
 No. If she says this, she is a woman. Turns out the woke were right: there are female penises, it's merely not about declaration. It's about empirical behaviour. "Maybe he's lying!" Appealing to women by lying is extremely feminine. (Also, women without pussies are not sexy, unless you're a sodomite. Missing vital's difficulty enough even with one...)


 "What about divorce-raped men?" Even after he's practically in debtor's prison, working three jobs just to keep up with the alimony payments, it's still the case that if other men don't stop him from welching on the payments, the woman can't do anything about it. It's all man-on-man action, the woman is a bystander. Heckler or kibbutzer at best. Men often don't appreciate this, but all women appreciate this viscerally. Men instead round the men letting themselves be manipulated by women into the woman's power. 


 Nobody knows if leftists (grass-monkey normal) lack the cognitive ability to process whatever, because they don't care to try. 
 Classic ~dissident~ cope. "Oh yes the leftists surely want to be nice, but they don't know how!" How sad. Tragic. It's especially funny when you get this stuff from a guy who says lefties are plain evil. As if that's unexpected for a mortal.

 Secondarily, the OP is correct. The point of trump and trumpism is to humiliate further-leftists. How nice of wokists to make themselves so vulnerable.

 If men aren't giving women everything, it's because daddy doesn't love her. She can't do anything about it except call daddy a poopyhead and cry. If that doesn't work, she's SOL. She already tried being nice, to the best of her ability, and it already didn't work. 

 This is reinforced by the obvious fact that her male progenitor really doesn't love her. Who can love a mortal? Not even god loves mortals.

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