Sunday, October 29, 2023

Videogames Inherently Anti-Leftist

  "Take note that these people never say the same for Netflix or cable television. The issue with vidya isn't that it's a simulacrum, as they would have you believe. It's that the medium provides recreational experience not littered with propaganda favoring Jews, blown-out roasties"

 Man, it's not even that deep. They're just bad at videogames. If you invite them to play, you'll rip their faces off, so they're trying to ensure you're too "ashamed" of VG to challenge them to a match. 

 Like you can blah blah Egalitarianism blah but mainly it's about trying to win at politics to avoid losing in Mario Kart or CoD. 

 It's extremely embarrassing to lose that badly. "If it's not good for me, I'ma make sure it's not good for anyone." Trying to make you too "ashamed" to enjoy your hobby. Very longhouse. Very leftist. Very politics.

 "Why don't they simply decline the match?" "I don't enjoy VG much." That would be responsible and rightist, of course they're not going to do that. Plus you'll probably call them chicken, you'll be right, and they know you're right.

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