Friday, October 27, 2023

Competency Crisis is Real

 I ended up at the Costco wikipedia page.

 I started thinking about how nobody could found Costco today since nobody knows how to find grocery suppliers, how to build a warehouse, or even how to go about buying a warehouse design.*

 Today I found out all the US military subcontractors are gutted. Lockheed et al can't get the parts.** Turns out sin pays death in wages, who knew.

 Remember the snake rots from the head down. America is basically a set of legacy systems that happen to be fetched up against one another. It's not a freestanding structure.

*Warehouses have lights. Do you know what kinds of lights you can buy? What are the options, and what are their tradeoffs? Who does the signs? All custom work, I might add. They can't debug by trial-and-error the way retail does, it's bespoke.
 What's it like living in Morocco? Not only do moderns not know about stuff, they don't even know about people, except the infinitely fake, manipulative, political simulacra constructed by broadcast media.

**Luckily Lockheed has paid the proper bribes and doesn't suffer penalties for tiny things like catastrophically failing to uphold its contractual obligations. That sort of thing is for little people.

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