Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Reminder that Your Superego is Insane

Feelings that come from your superego feel like real feelings. Perhaps the easiest way to spot them isn't very easy - they're a bit flat, a bit too repetitive or ritualistic. Hunger varies based on what you ate the previous day. Superego feelings are stamped out like factory widgets.

This verisimilitude is a problem if you live in an environment of lies and your superego is crunk. 

I consider the superego to be a maladaptive, deleterious mutation. It's one of the things that makes grass monkeys so hideous. You can imagine a society with perfectly healthy superegos, but in this case they're slaved to the ego and thus redundant. Remember: do ask what your society can do for you. If it's not paying for what it demands from you, it is a parasitic traitor and deserves to be painfully destroyed. Lies are bad, mmmkay.

When working 'properly' everyone has the same superego, or at best, the male-ver superego or the female-ver superego. Approximately there is one superego. Incredibly tedious - even women aren't attracted to someone that boring. In practice of course mistakes are made and the superegos differ, but it is all accidental. 


Your superego is holding you back. It's one of your worst enemies. Getting rid of it isn't pleasant, but unfortunately it is highly profitable.

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