Sunday, August 6, 2023

Enlightenment = Christianity

The Enlightenment attacked Christianity as camouflage. They filed off the serial numbers in the hopes you wouldn't realize they're using the exact same merchandise from the exact same stores. Moldbug noted anti-Americans are in fact hyper-Americans: they're criticizing America for not being American enough. They got the idea from their Enlightenment predecessors, whose only real beef with Catholicism was that wasn't universal enough.

The Church had a Church hierarchy. Ew! Aren't we all equal before God? What corrupt heretics! Trust in the LORD Nature magazine!

When an anti-American attacks 'imperial colonialism' it's supposed to misdirect you: you're not supposed to immediately conclude that they're trying to reinforce colonial imperialism. They call it 'international community' or whatever instead, and the fact the words are different is sufficient to bamboozle wordcels. Shape rotators are yet more useless: they never object to being ruled by wordcels. Given over 90% of Americans got at least one fake vaccine, how many shape rotators could have possibly refused?

You can find a Bible verse to back up everything a "liberal" believes, but you can't find a scientific study to back up everything they believe. Their value schedule is lifted wholesale from Satan's little Book.

Recall Satan was the arch-narcissist. Liberals share with Christians the narcissistic inability to cooperate with anyone who isn't identical to them. Narcissists' inability to perceive anything outside themselves means anyone whose likes or thoughts differ from theirs is incomprehensible and, frankly, terrifying. Narcissists' obligatory navel-obsession makes it impossible for them to predict the reactions of anyone who isn't a carbon copy of themselves. Note this is an extreme military disadvantage. You can't lose to this group without trying.

When the second law of thermodynamics applies, sects diverge, and this causes sectarian violence. Every narcissists' first priority is defectively enforcing conformity, and ostracizing or executing anyone who refuses to submit to the LORD. [[Unity]] means having a Pope and cancelling anyone who doesn't slavishly obey the Pope. Remember never to call him the Pope, because that would be remotely sane.

The logic functions in reverse. The Enlightenment was secular, therefore, Christianity was secretly secular the whole time. That is, insofar as the Enlightenment can be considered secular, or in the case where you define secular as whatever the Enlightenment was.

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