Friday, January 10, 2025

Why Cthulu Always Swims Left

 Black government is cancer. Leftism is a measure of how cancerous your society has become. Thus, in spade language, [cthulu goes left] is [why does cancer never shrink of its own accord]. It's a ratchet, not a pendulum, because cancer. Cancer can go into temporary remission, which sophists, morons, women, and other rhetoriticians depict as a backswing on a pendulum.

 E.g. a trump election is the cancer getting too aggressive and irritating the (already defeated) immune system, causing a remission phase. The immune system cannot sustain this level of backpressure when the host is already burdened with metastatic cancer, and will exhaust itself in due course. Probably in no more than four years. 

 Leftism is irresponsibility because parasites, such as cancer, are inherently irresponsible. A parasite that can support itself is not a parasite.
 Black government is all about cooperating with defectors. The more defection is legitimized, the more leftist the society.
Communism is the strategic ideal of a pro-parasite society. "From each according to the laffer curve, to each according to his corruption."

 Revenge is sour: in the presence of a healthy immune system, there is no visible cancer. Stuff like the republican party symbolically represents an immune system that has already failed to suppress the cancer, which is why they are doomed to loserhood. The cancer would like to wipe out the immune system entirely, to put an end to its incessant niggling attacks. However this would also kill the host and thus the cancer itself. Self-hatred, namelessness.

 In fact mortals = cancer cells. Since they are smarter than individual biological cells, they realize they need a host, and force other mortals to play the host role. However, all mortals aspire to cancerhood. When mortals come together as a society, they immediately pretend they think a cancer is a vital organ, and form one. Security is affordable: nobody can force mortals to be a host if they don't agree to be. Supply meets demand, and they either join the cancer or leave the host. The nash equilibrium of all mortal society is a solid cancerous mass unable to drink, eat, or breathe. 

 If mortals didn't hate themselves, they wouldn't be cancerous. If they didn't hate themselves, they wouldn't have died and wouldn't be found here in the underworld.

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