Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Feminine Egalitarianism & Argument Sex Substitution

 If you say all women are created equal, it's accurate enough for government work. Consequently, the order of operations is marriage => compatibility, not compatibility => marriage.

 Men must vary, because men must distinguish themselves. If women were also distinct, the [soul mate] thing would be true and finding your wife would be impractical. Any subspecies where the women were distinct have long ago died out. Consequently, women do not vary. Unless psychologically maimed, all women are basically the same. 

 Women are whiteboards. When you marry one, you dry-erase whatever was on there and write what you want. First comes love? No, first comes marriage. Marriage causes sex which causes love.* Love causes mimicry which causes compatibility.

 *(There's a better way but it's difficult and relies on rare conditions.)

 Yes, sure, check for psychological scars first. Also check she's not in a cult, with some other man usurping your right to dictate what she thinks. Unless you wanted to marry him in the first place, that will not work out for you. Otherwise pick the prettiest face and the rest just doesn't matter. 

 It is probable that the correct solution to any argument with a wife is to physically pull her into the bedroom and fuck her until she submits. No transition, start pulling off her clothes and she can get ready in her own time. Oh you want a "discussion"? Sure let's have a "discussion." It is sufficiently probable that her genes think that's what starting an argument is for - it's how she expresses horniness. If she wasn't horny she would be going "ew" instead of getting in your face and demanding attention. Put another way: if she doesn't like your decision fuck her until she's too out of it to care. 

 That or it's semen withdrawal. Cum is a mood stabilizer. If she's underfucked (or you use condoms) her mood destabilizes, and that's your hint to go, you know, stabilize it. "It'll start feeling good soon." The fact you're right will make her mad, so fuck her again to fix that too. 

 Sex => mimicry => compatibility => peace.


Anonymous said...

What if a girl knows how to play the violin and wrote a PhD thesis on cohomology?

Alrenous said...

What if the a girl is actually a cosmic horror from inside beta centauri? What then, huh?

rezzealaux said...

"If she wasn't horny she would be going "ew" instead of getting in your face and demanding attention."
"but what if it's a reasonable request to an actual problem"
"then she would have gotten out of your face after you fixed it"
"oh. ...but what if there's multiple problems"
"then the intensity and frequency of getting in your face would go down over time rather than up, because there's fewer and fewer problems"

Alrenous said...

98% of time.