Friday, May 31, 2024

American Culture is Doomed

 Everything American and Americoid is wholly condemned. It will be subsumed by the dustbin of history. You can try to out-breed this fatal fate, but this will only make more bodies that ultimately have to be buried.

 E.g. look how corrupt the language is. Fatal doesn't retain a shred of the meaning of fate. Degenerated.

 Americans can forget Americana, dying spiritually, or they can forget by force, dying physically. 

 I have concluded this is what makes nearly everyone seem dead to me. They're frantically trying to uphold or even extend a zombie culture. Their efforts are self-defeating. Guaranteed to be in vain. If they do anything I don't like, to get rid of it, all I have to do is wait. The trash will take itself out. 

 Wile E Coyote, held up only by their fanatic ignorance of being over the cliff's edge. Except they won't merely leave a cartoon-shaped hole at the bottom, but will properly go splat. 

 You can see how dead culture functions: who remembers Wily? Everything being made today will likewise be rapidly forgotten. A culture with no canon isn't a culture. A culture with no touchstones is not a culture. It's a series of temporary poses taken while in free-fall. Insofar as anything lasts, it's by accident or mistake. By fluke, they remind themselves of something. As incapable of perfect amnesia as they are incapable of retaining a narrative. 

 If you try to contribute to this culture, all your efforts will be wasted. They no longer even want to survive, they only want to keep the drugs going as long as possible. Hooked on schedule 1 copium. 

 Did you catch how Rome went? We learned Latin, and found out everything worth reading was originally written in Greek. Latin is only valuable for finding references to lost Greek works.
 Like, come on, Star Wars? The great myth where the 'chosen hero' is saved by his daddy? At first it looks like Luke managed something, he blew up the death star. Palpatine (unlike New York) just built another one. "Huh, that was expensive. Whoopsie. Well, anyway..." Everything in Star Wars is junk except the Force, and, spoilers, the Force isn't real. Less profound than a puddle. Future cultures will have American screenplays, just as we have Greek plays, but they won't reproduce them, for the same reason. They have no value if you're not the species of narcissist they're pandering to.

 Forget not how much ruin is in a nation. The cliff is quite tall; the culture can fall for a very long time. At terminal velocity it even seems steady and predictable. The adherents will propose that new lows are in fact progress. Every improvement is a change, this is a change, therefore it must be an improvement. Perfectly sogical. Progress (downward). Evolution (towards a static equilibrium). 

 I sometimes find works by someone clearly in the grip of creative ecstasy. Far more work goes into them than they can possibly get out of it. Each one speaks of feelings and experiences you can see nowhere else. When I see one, I wonder how many I haven't seen, buried in the bowels of youtube. 

 However, all these oracles speak, in one way or another, of dying and death. A maimed and crippled world, with nowhere to go but down.

 "But what about China and India?" They don't have a culture. They stagnated; stagnation is death, it's already been annihilated. Robots going through the motions of having a culture. Automatons. Golems. Was Spengler right? Do races have souls? If so, they can also become soulless husks. Pseudo-races.
 Times don't changed. Times are changed. Some races, however, can neither change the times nor change with the times. If they get lucky, repeating what they did in the past isn't instantly fatal. They can last for millennia like this, but every year it is yet more impossible to escape their stagnation. Ever more impossible for them to survive a drastic change. 

 Original sin is taxation. If you place a traitorous parasite at the head of society, it will suck out 100% of its vitality, 100% of the time. Nothing short of total civilizational destruction can erase the parasite from a parasite-cored society. The cancer grows until it devours and replaces the entire brain, stuffing the skull full of disease.

 A society that worships lies will have its core refuted by Reality.


rezzealaux said...

"The cliff is quite tall; the culture can fall for a very long time. At terminal velocity it even seems steady and predictable" o fug

Stick said...

Maybe Siberia, Alaskan bush, or Amazon rainforest as an incubator for new culture? There are still wild places in the world, they're just not very convenient to settle. Give it a hundred years and see what manner of barbarians we can cook up.

Alrenous said...

Technically Amish towns are wild barbarian places. The problem isn't supply of free space, the problem is demand. Negative demand for liberty, high demand for tyranny.

Stick said...

Well at the risk of sounding snobbish, the masses are always like that, aren't they? I don't think we'll ever have a world where the proles prefer liberty to tyranny. I recently found some more free time, and have been engaging more with /ourguys/.

'Becoming Noble' on substack has some interesting posts along similiar veins to the things you write about, though from a more personal/familial focus. I'd be curious what you think of his ideas.

Alrenous said...

<snobs are bad

I'm skeptical of the idea that leaving money to your children accomplishes anything. Net worth is a genetic trait. If they deserve money they'll make money. If they don't deserve it, they'll squander it.

What you can do for your kids is speed up discovery. Tell them things they would have learned on their own, to save time.

Alrenous said...

Examples abound, but an amusing one is the case of Henry II of England, who had his eldest son educated in the courts of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, and William Marshall, 1st Earl of Pembroke - a knight of great renown. Henry’s son then used these skills to turn around and make war on his father at age 18. Not ideal, perhaps, but one cannot accuse the child of indolence!

I am also skeptical of trying to teach better community skills to those who can't even make friends with their own son.

Still, if it is possible, that would be one of the most important thing to do - a) be on your son's side b) ensure you son knows in his bones that you're on his side.
Interact such that you join and remain in the same community.
Love is cool and all, but the son should also find it highly rational to continue to cooperate with dad.
A son will only attack his dad if his dad is a net drain on him, i.e. if dad is not dad.

Though there's also the 'age 18' thing. Very impressionable. Did he make war on his own behalf, or was it on the behalf of one of his foster uncles? Dad fucked all the way up by giving his son away to one of his enemies, lol.
This should not be rocket science. Not esoteric secret aristocratic-family lore.

Alrenous said...

>wealth should be transferred by reinforcing healthy behaviors: paying for a quality education

"Aristocrats ensure they get properly brainwashed at university."

Hey genius, the reason landed nobility have durable wealth is due to their highly intentional eugenic program. They used to literally talk, openly, about good breeding. They didn't quite know how it worked, but, turns out, it matters. It matters a lot.

In short nouveau riche regress to the mean. However, regression is almost complete at one generation. Meaning if you repeatedly add exceptional genes into your family, your mean, your base level, your water table, goes up.

The idea you can raise the kid's social class by paying for a decent condo is hilariously consumerist/materialist. Mechanized democratic aristocrats, lel.

Christianity is highly materialistic, so this tracks.

Alrenous said...

>Ideally by this point they will be virtuous and worthy to take up the mantle

Sanctimonious middle classery.

Estate management is primarily a talent, rather secondarily a skill. If they have learned the skill they can buy their own estate. If they haven't the talent, it doesn't matter what you do.

>There should be a ‘family house’ that they are not to sell.

Sanctimonious middle classery. Aristocrats deal with the is, not the ought.


His substack is popular. Hence, it is not aristocratic. QED.

Alrenous said...

Becoming Noble is a excellent example of most what is wrong with society. A paragon of evil. Post with details later.

Stick said...

I will wait for later post to continue discussion.

Alrenous said...

The title refers to honour vs. the examined life.

Alrenous said...

You will not wait for the later post to continue discussion.