Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Ascended Aside: Catholicism vs. Capital Punishment

 Contrary to modern-day perceptions, the early medieval church actually was repelled by capital punishment.


The saying was that "the Church abhors the shedding of blood." 

 That is: when ""modern"" countries do away with the death penalty, they are being especially christian, as is meet for a christian race living under fundamentalism. 


 The deviance is obvious. In those days, the tithe was mandatory. Can't offer a tithe if you're dead. The church, like all mortal institutions, is in favour of private profits + public costs. A fortiori, luxury envy/spite beliefs: they want to [[forgive]] the criminal, showing they're so rich they're unbothered by crime.
 Which is to say, [never get so racist you forget white leftists are the worst people in the world].

 Reddit is awful 99.9% of the time, but that 0.1% appears to reliably show up on search engines, so there's that.

Reminder that Women Can't Abstracts

 Women can't understand the idea of [men] per se. What they understand is specific concrete instances of [man].

 E.g. if she says, [the world would be great without men] what she means is she feels like the world would be perfect if one particular male that she is currently mad at did not exist. 

 E.g. [I hate men] means she's mad at her dad, or mad at her ex. 

 The woman is confused when you treat these as real abstracts rather than fake abstracts. She's not putting it abstractly because she wants to talk about general categories, she puts it abstractly because she perceives this is the fashion. She's signalling submissiveness. She believes it is completely obvious that the abstract is fake and you're supposed to ask about how the poor darling was hurt recently by some specific character in her life. 

 The woman is perfectly aware that her feeling is meaningless and effervescent, which is why she doesn't offer a disclaimer. She's taking it for granted so hard that, if you don't take it for granted, she assumes you're just being mean - genuinely can't comprehend not taking it for granted.

 It's not about the facts. She's obviously upset. You're supposed to comfort her. "But I'm some random stranger?" No you can't possibly be some random stranger. She hasn't gone outside - no woman is ever allowed outside. She hasn't snuck past the guard at the fence to try to get raped by the cannibal tribe hunting the next herd over. You have to be Ingroup. You're either family or a close family friend. Clan member. 

 It's important, so I'll say it repeatedly: it's not about the facts. She doesn't care about the facts, statements of fact are merely vehicles for confessing her feelings. It's hard to work out because she doesn't know how to speak so good. Not particularly fluent or literate. Let her have a few tries. Triangulate what she was trying to say.

 A fortiori: she doesn't care about the facts, she will never behave based on the facts. She won't even act based on her feelings. She can't do anything if a man doesn't allow her first. She's going to do what she perceives she was told to do, regardless, regardless, and regardless. If you talk to her on a factual level you're just being mean. 

 If she's telling you all men are pigs are whatever, well, she can't be talking about you, can she? You're the one she's trying to manipulate into comforting her. Does she want comforting from a pig? Clearly not? Even women aren't that dumb. It's a 4-point IQ difference, not a 25-point.

 Don't treat women like they're men. Even if she asks to be treated with [respect] or whatever. Especially don't treat them like men if they ask to be treated like men. It will not work out for you.
 Unless you want to pick a fight and have a gossip war declared on you, I suppose. Then yeah, it's just the thing. Go nuts. 

 It can't possibly be her fault, after all. It happened to her because some man told her to do it, and she did, because everything she does is because some man told her to do it. She's mad at that specific man, and perhaps can't admit it to you because he's scary and might get mad back. Men have social skills, right? You can guess what she's really thinking based on some vague hints, right? Better skills than her, at any rate.

Monday, October 14, 2024

On Competence and Assassination

 Central Insanity Asylum. 

 Let's talk about lenin briefly.

 "The intended signal to begin the bombardment was a red lantern, but no one could find one. When the Bolshevik commander ventured into the city to do so, he got lost and fell in a bog."

 The Federal Bungler Institute is approximately this competent. They obviously want trump dead, but they can't hire anyone who can aim. 

 The problem is that the [[[right]]] wing of america is the same.

 "By evening, the majority of the few cossacks and cadets who were supposed to be defending the Palace simply left to go drinking or find some dinner."
"Of the three dozen shots fired, only two even hit the Palace (not exactly a small target), and did little more than chip the corners. Nonetheless, the barrage so scared the remaining members of the “Women’s Shock Battalion” garrisoned there that the whole company of them had to be escorted to the rear of the Palace to calm down."

 Note the white army, the [[[anti]]] communists, already had a women's battalion. Black government gonna...black? Called themselves white precisely because they were pitch coal...

 Anyone competent can tap the Nameless Regime and it will fall over. However, nobody competent needs to mess with that sewage lagoon. Why go anywhere near it? 

 The Freedom Buggering Instigators can't hire anyone who can aim, because they rightly suspect the sharpshooter would aim at his nominal boss. The big guy just can't help himself. If they hire anyone competent and willing to kill, their HR department will rapidly get depopulated. Of necessity, the guy will have to know how to avoid doing anything that gets the local cops excited...

 P.S. The media [[sentiment]] is irrelevant. If nobody is hired for the job (with tax dollars) then it won't be done. Same as any other job in america. 

 Trailing indicator:
 "Russian left-wing and right-wing newspapers alike were reporting the intended coup date of 25 October for over a week prior. The plan was an open secret,"
 They're incompetent, so the thing leaks like a sieve. 

 This is why you don't have to immediately move to asia to escape the european gulag. The plans for them will show up in the news at least six years in advance. The normies will think it's a joooooke or whatever, so there won't even be a spike in immigration applications until it's far too late.


 The consistent desire to assassinate him suggests the Nameless Regime believes trump will get so many votes it will overwhelm even active fraud measures.   

Karma and the Statute of Limitations

 It's intuitively obvious that after some point, it's too late to punish a crime. 

 When Karma has to punish a criminal, it charges extra for the service. After a crime has already been committed, the point of a human justice system is to avoid this surcharge. If the debt is paid and the scales are balanced before it's called due, interest charges are minimized. Going without Judges and judgments is possible, but it's simply more expensive. Respond to someone shoving the physical away from the spiritual by shoving the physical back toward the spiritual.
 However, Karma keeps its own schedule. Mortal justice must be swift. If you ask Karma to be patient, it will if anything move the schedule up, and also will beat you black and blue for the ungrateful and irresponsible insolence. At some point Karma has already balanced the scales and charged the surcharge. At this point, human justice is nothing but a superfluous expense. If it is not swift and decisive, if it doesn't follow Machiavelli's dictum, it is not justice. A fortiori: rather than merely superfluous, it is yet another karmic debt that has to be paid. Karma has already taken the crime out of the criminal's hide - why is some disgusting mortal trying to usurp its authority and responsibility? 

 Why? Because it's exactly what it looks like, cue midwit meme: a futile Satanic usurpation attempt. There's also a surcharge for making unnecessary work.

 Sociologically, the point of justice is to avoid the need for punishment. You want to build a society that doesn't run up karmic debts in the first place. Crime shouldn't be punished, crime can't be permitted at all. The conditions where crime is even possible are themselves crimes, running up tabs with god.
 Stand well back from any society where criminals can seemingly get away with it.... Standing too close typically constitutes support, and Karma will not fail to notice your complicity. Well back: Lot's wife was still close enough to Sodom to look back, lament its punishment, and pay the resulting debt.
 While Karma is relatively quick to pounce on individual criminals, it seems actively sadistic when it comes to society at large. It prefers to let you run up the tab as far as possible, maximizing the karmic harvest. It will let your false society live longer precisely to make its fall that much more agonizing and total. 


 Come to think, that makes sense. Karma waits long enough that it does not provide discipline for free. Receiving free discipline would run up a karmic debt. The average criminal is punished quickly because they have short memories & low IQs and can't connect action to consequence. Karma is hardly going to run up a debt with itself by destroying society that hasn't yet run up eschatonic levels of debt. However, societies punished with anything less than annihilation might learn to do better. That is, they might get a lesson without paying for it, which would cause a karmic debt, which would result in a lesson, which would cause a karmic debt...
 Either way, the unjust society is destroyed. The cliff isn't littered with spiritual warning signs because Karma chooses to take the slow path, rather than the quick one. Say thanks. 

 Or don't. See how that works out for you.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Socialism: Mice Die in Mouse Traps & Misc

 Mice die in mouse traps because they think the cheese is free. 

 Speech dies in speech traps because the speakers think...

 Based on post-presidency behaviour, it seems they were drugging biden not to increase his performance, but to decrease it. 

 No disease so bad that seeing a doctor can't make it worse.

 old: great depression.
 bold: long depression.

 More like endless. The long depression is scheduled to end after america does.


  BLM: Black livers (rendered) merchandise.

 Black something something inert material. 


 measured => estimated

 estimated => guessed

 guessed => invented, of whole cloth

 If uttered by an Official in any capacity, append [wild ass] to [guess].

Renounce Satan, Renounce Humanity

 Humans are the children of Satan. Satano hypocriens.
 Satan was the father of lies.
 If you renounce lying, you renounce Satan, and you renounce your humanity. 

 You must renounce your ancestors. It's inevitable.
 All Satanists will betray their ancestors. Treachery is their blood and their soul.
 For a human to renounce Satan, they must renounce their ancestors. They must condemn all their ancestors who did not disavow Satan, and they must themselves disavow their ultimate ancestor, Satan.


 Perhaps sourness pertains to its usual home, revenge. Provided you are already not human, you are capable of renouncing dishonesty. Still, it's worth an attempt. 

 It goes without saying, but I will say it anyway.
 I abjure all deceit. I refuse all treachery. I swear to speak the truth, I swear to speak the whole truth, I swear speak nothing but the truth, with God and all that is holy as my witness and my guarantor.
 I will choose to die before I choose to willingly lie. Allow me annihilation before I should permit falsehood to pass my lips. Let nothing, not myself, not my own ignorance, stand in the way of its fulfillment.
 Fiat vox veritatis, et ruat caelum, et pereat mundus.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Let's Pretend Fake Hungarian Curiosity is Real

 "If this is the case, then we need to answer the question of why it is sensible to corral two such large countries together into a hostile camp. This question has yet to be answered in any meaningful way."

 Allow me. Most of the world is very simple provided you're not lost in a fog of hallucinations, learning disabilities, and clinical personality disorders.  

 America is ruled by a scholar caste. The purpose of america is to force everyone to mouth american priestly dogmas. Everything else is secondary to achieving intellectual dominance. At least, dominance in appearance.

 Russia and china openly disagree with american priests. They are not corralled, they volunteered. To permit deviation from american dogma would be to betray the foundation of the country. It's pointless if it can't achieve (the appearance of) global totalitarian mind domination.
 For example, the only point of winning a war, to the american high priest, is to make someone afraid of the consequences of spouting heresy. To attempt to win a war at the cost of permitting heresy would be an outrageous abomination, and no american, even dissident americans, would ever entertain such an idea.
 Same thing with money. The only point of making america rich is to cow or bribe mouths into saying the lines americans put in them. If maintaining american wealth comes at the cost of heresy, so much the worse for american wealth. Better dead than not-red.

 E.g. China achieves substantial tranquilization of rabid americanism by claiming to be Communist. Flatters american egos. Likewise, they portray oriental despotism as the priestly orthodoxy of american universities, using features such as the rigid, brittle, and sadistic hierarchy they have in common. Chinamen mouth the pietudes, which [gives face] to the americans who self-appoint as chinese handlers, and receiving face is the whole point of the american project. They mouth the pietudes in English, anyway - it's not like navel-gazing Imperials are going to bother to learn hanzi. Won't notice much of what han say amongst themselves. 


 The reason orban can't understand the question is that he already understands. He wants to do the same thing. He's a priest, exactly like american priests, except with some minute doctrinal differences on account of not being part of the club that conquered the world already. To condemn america in spade words, he would have to condemn himself. There would be no hiding it even from dullards.
 I do hear that crime is low in hungary. Assuming this is true, it's not because orban is based. He's cringe. Low crime merely a happy coincidence of politics or face. Either he needs it to maintain power, he's doing it because he desperately needs to prove he's "different" for psychological reasons. Or it's not even true.
 Americans want to provoke intellectual envy and resentment. Orban wants to provoke intellectual envy and resentment. Everything else is not merely secondary, but does not even rate. Too worthless to meter.
 I mean, duh. Black government is cancerous, not cooperative. One ought to expect the winners of the black government game to be especially cancerous.

 You would expect orban to be cringe based on his physiognomy, and anyone who doesn't see it is lying. They do see it. They're partisans. They're pro-cringe, provided it's not that other flavour of cringe. Want skub, not buks. 

 Hungary is trying to raise the birth rate.
 >divorce is still legal, no-fault
 Whoopsie doodle. Kinda showing your hand there, chaps.
 "Until death do us part, or if I feel like living in a different house (i.e. another man's) for a few years."

 P.S. Gonna spade it: "In our conception, the world is made up of nation states which exercise a domestic monopoly on the use of [crime], thereby creating a condition of general [crime]."

 "Here we must talk about the secret of [prey] greatness. What is the secret of [prey] greatness? The secret of greatness is to be [in a great herd]."

Tyranny vs. Trump's Future

 You can go Bukele on washington TC bureaucrats. Yes, raping murdering child-sacrificing mob gangsters are about as bad as government employees. There's no physical reason even jello-men americans can't afford to deport every immigrant, then lock up 95% of the government and fire all the contractors and NGOs. 

 This would cause a turbo depression. Americans care about [optics], about appearance, not substance. In the long term it would be a great move. Necessary for survival, in fact. In the short term the catastrophic economic shock would make trump look worse than biden. It is likely washington would burn, nero style, and americans would genuinely think trump was worse than nero (imagining for a moment americans have any idea who nero was). 

 Due to the [optics] trump would be impeached for real. All the bureaucrats would be let out of jail.
 This would make things even worse. Americans would then find it impossible to flip-flop a second time. Jello man only gets one. 


 I've said it before: war crimes are the table stakes. Folk who burn flags can't fix america. If burning the geneva convention in effigy doesn't sound to you like a fun hobby for friendly people, you're nowhere near hard enough.

 If the DNC is too demoralized to cheat the vote properly and too scared not to let trump have da potus, it is likely trump will do nothing, because potus has no power. Nevertheless, a modest version of his platform will happen anyway. This will discredit immigration as a tool of self-immolation, and when trump is forced out due to term limits, they will find some new, fresh hell. 

 Tyranny is being supplied because tyranny is being demanded. The only reason springfield is complaining is that they're dying too quickly. Can't suffer if you're dead. Their Darwinian biology might even force them to respond in ways other than complaining or voting. They want to submit; opioid addiction is a choice - supply, demand. However they're warning that they'll soon find it impossible. 

 Heroin et al are great. They let you tolerate way more tyranny than you would otherwise be able to tolerate. Fentanyl is bad - you can't submit to tyranny if you OD. Sure your relatives mourn, and that's some extra suffering, which can't be rebelled against...but they just shoot up and forget you. Supply of suffering goes down. No good. 

 (P.S. "Oh noes I'm poor and have to turn to drugs." The Amish are even poorer, go fuck yourself. "I can't get a job." Consider who you're asking to be hired by. Clown world. Every american is a radical leftist, a Nameless One worshipper, no exceptions. P.P.S. Fentanyl is perfectly safe provided it's not being administered by an addict-phenotype or equivalent loser. Fentanyl use is eugenic. Disproportionately kills those who deserve to die...very unamerican.)

 See also, possibility: DNC does defraud the vote but jello man puts on some high-tech boxing gloves so he can pretend to have a violent response, which forces the issue anyway. 


 Maybe [[diversity]] goes back down to the 15% historical equilibrium. This will drive tyrannical innovation. There's no shortage of new forms of oppression. They overshot demand, so supply will contract. Temporarily. In the long term this new tyranny will also overshoot, voters will again respond far later than any sane person, and the ratchet goes round another notch.

 There's also the fact this will still cause a major depression. To first order approximation, the american economy is 100% bennies. The Fed wants to steal stuff from japan and canada and germany and give it all to washington insiders, but they're incompetent, so it leaks all over the country. If you shut down the bennies, you shut down the economy. Absent reserve currency status, america is a central am banana republic. GDP 19,000 per cap or so. Far-far leftists have fake jobs because they're physically incapable of providing real work; e.g. if they took STEM classes they would just fail. If they don't look poorer than the Amish it's the proceeds of crime.
 The correct play is to gently approach this 19,000 equilibrium, rather than attempting to do it suddenly and overshooting.
 Unfortunately, jello man is incapable of doing any such thing. Have to have a strong president with an adamantine vision for about ten terms or so, 20% of the total lifetime of the country. Whoopsie doodle. It's a good thing america founded explicitly so it can fall over, or you might think it was badly designed.

 I wonder what the jello man equivalent of the year of five emperors is. It's late in the timeline, but it hasn't happened yet, so the card is still in the deck. A DNC win will lock in that future. That one NYT poll is correct: there is a 100% chance trump will win the vote. However, elections are wars, they are not decided by voting. 

 The DNC absolutely wants to put every commoner deprecated-american into concentration camps. A DNC win will certainly embolden this sentiment. However, it is almost certain they're too weak and dispirited to do more than lock up a ricky vaughn here or there. That is: they tried lockdowns. They had to give up. Trump's going away, being a rich commoner - breaking sumptuary laws. Wrong social class, lol.