Saturday, February 1, 2025

Minimum Viable University Killshot

 If you want to kill the universities, you barely have to do anything.

Like, try just not giving them tax dollars...the first GONGO was harvard.

More importantly, legalize employment by IQ test. Let the [[resume]] be one line, your tested IQ, with a reference body to double-check with.
Making Firing Legal Again, so it's not critical to the business to avoid making bad hires. Which nobody can do. Especially not non-lords; everyone makes bad hires, and if you can't fire them, they destroy your business.

HR has to use universities to avoid being fired when they inevitably approve a bad hire. Make it so they don't have to be fired, because you can fire the bad hire. Make it so they can use a cheap, fast IQ test. You can get close enough in literally five minutes.
...then HR looks basically redundant.
...which is it, and always was. The ideal HR department is a dead weight. Most are worse.