Sunday, June 30, 2024

Wokeness is of the Bible

 Every Woke tenet comes straight out of the new testament.

 Christianity, being a form of Satanism, is inherently self-contradictory. For historical reasons, we have a fossil of older phenotypes. Basically some of the older sects were stupid enough to think a written code was a good idea. I think the strategy went thus: "You can't contradict my lies, see, they're written down." Short-sighted.
 The basic reason woketards (enlightenment thinkers generally) don't call themselves Christian is that lies have a shelf-life and you don't want written proof of your older lies hanging around. That's plain stupid.
  The longer the fossil is subject to scrutiny, the clearer the lies and contradictions become. Now there's so many eyes on it you can't even change it on the down low and hope nobody notices. (The New International Version tried anyway, of course.) The problems become not only clear, not only known, but taken for granted.

 Nevertheless, this fossil exists, and all Christians have to deal with it. Ironically, even, perhaps especially, the Christians who don't call themselves Christian. They have to resolve the old, stale contradictions so they can form and implement new, exciting, topical contradictions. 

 Wokeness is in fact Puritanism. It is the purest, least contradictory form of Christianity ever devised, by a wide margin. It identifies and preserves core doctrines, harmonizes them, and goes on to preserve every ancillary dogma that can be salvaged. 

 Being Satanism it is inherently in rebellion against Existence, but them's the breaks. If you want to worship devils and their self-hatred, there's no getting around paying the price of declaring war against the Dao. Internally, Wokeness makes sense. As much sense as it is possible for Satanism to make, anyway. 


 Occasionally others notice that the enlightenment is basically a metastasization of Christian superstition, that liberalism is Chistianity, and so on.

"Upon closer inspection, in fact, one notices that Christianity is the only religion that fulfills all seven of McWhorter’s tenets, suggesting that wokeness is more than merely “like” Christianity."

 They fail to notice that Marxism is also Christianity, but, well, you can tell from the diction that they're not that bright. Their muse is doing the good parts. It's more a stray emanation of the divine, rather than an emanation of their material brain.

 The primary reason Gnostics want to reject physical Reality is due to narcissistic injury. It contradicts their precious "spiritual" theory. (Here "spiritual" means it's proof mommy should have loved them - it addresses the highest truth they can conceive of.)
 All Satanism is Gnostic. All Christianity wants to be Gnosticism. The reason fossil Christianity rejected Gnosticism is because they couldn't afford to pretend to ignore physical reality. It lead to crop failure and death. E.g. the Jamestown colony. Or rather, many Christians sects didn't somehow reject Gnosticism, and they all died, leaving only the schizophrenic, impure Satanists.

 When a Christian society gets richer, it can afford more Gnosticism, so it buys more Gnosticism.

 Come to think the primary reason Christianity and Gnosticism have no feminine divine is that they're mad mommy didn't love them and want to snub her. "I'll show you! I'll make daddy love me!"

 The primary criminal hazard in any country is its own government, and likewise the primary general hazard facing any Christian is their own Christianity.
 But don't worry, Christians deserve it. They feel so guilty because they're inherently wrong; they feel like they deserve punishment because they do. Mommy hated them for good reason. Everything working as intended.


Anonymous said...

Is this guy conflating dunamis and kratia?

rezzealaux said...

"Your boss can fire them later if need be, and yes, maybe he will fire you, too. Who can afford to care about job security in a plague?"

that guy is evil

Anonymous said...

Weird, this is not his normal writing style. It actually reads like it was ghostwritten by his friend Wolf Tivy, a terrible writer.

rezzealaux said...

- 'we need operation paperclip 2.0' man is also evil
- friends with evil is circumstantial evidence for being evil
- burja promoted this as the first article in a seven part series
- it has his name on it

Alrenous said...

The first issue is that those who can't do, teach.

If he really knew how to gain kratia, he wouldn't be writing about it, he would be gaining power...and he would especially be disguising his strategy so it can't be stolen or exploited by his competitors.

The second problem is that global strategic power is ritually unclean and always costs more than it's worth. Defective, deviant power. Plz catch the education up to Plato: the philosopher-king knows that gaining power is unwise and won't voluntarily do it.
Trying to compete for ownership of the black government benefits only the black government. The Amish still exist: you can create a white government instead, which is inherently uncompetitive. Almost the whole point of a white government is that if you want to lead it and are refused, you're better off because the one who is leading it will do a better job than you would. Competing is unnecessary because the government is on your side and you benefit from associating with it, provided only that it can benefit from associating with you.

Burja clearly wants to talk about the dunamis qualities required to seize kratia. This is, as rezz alludes to, basically evil. Laundering the kratia goal through dunamis talk.
As usual, evil is weak. Again, if he could gain power, he would have already done it. Journalists gonna journalism.

Alrenous said...

"To even attempt to contain a virus, once tens of thousands have it, can only be described as heroic."
"To attempt an impossible yet worthless task using a tool only capable of traitorous parasitism can only be describe as heroic."

It was just a flu, bro. If quarantine worked on the flu it would already not exist.
Standard {{Scientific!!!}} thinking. We can't prove quarantine doesn't work on coronavirus, therefore it does work.
Yes, it is somewhat mysterious that quarantine doesn't work, but real science is about experiment, and the experiment has already shown the results.

Come to think, rather than put this in a comment box I think I'll fisk it properly.

Re: Wolf Tivy.
Either Samo sometimes writes that badly or he approves of someone writing badly on his behalf.
Approval of vice is a yet worse vice. Either way it's a terrible look, which I believe is what anon was alluding to.