Thursday, June 27, 2024

It Occurs to Me I've Built a Tower of Babel

 I held myself to a higher standard. Did I have to stop there? I did not, so I held myself to a higher standard. 

 Did this ultimately reach the divine? It did. Did it "confound" the language? Just so. Working as predicted.

 The "high" part isn't really a metaphor. Holding yourself to a higher standard changes your perspective. At this point, most of what I have to say is totally incomprehensible to normies. It's too far away - barely a dot in their eyes, even if I explain it most thoroughly. 

 The lie is saying that the language is confounded in an attempt to truncate the tower of babble. On the contrary. Language is confounded precisely to the extent the tower is successful. It's a natural, inevitable, and unavoidable result. 

 It is better seen as part of the reward, rather than the punishment. Just as my truths are incomprehensible to them, their lies are incomprehensible to me. They look unnatural and stilted, for the most part, rather than alluring or in any way pretty. My words look like babble to them because they're dumb. Their words look like babble to me because they're babble. A proper name would be the tower of antibabble, which carries the architect out of the gassy swamp.


 Of course normies can't hold themselves to any kind of standard. That would be self-leading, and they're incapable of leadership of any kind. (Their poor children.)



rezzealaux said...

unrelated: so funny i almost died (from laughing-induced coughing)

rezzealaux said...
first 1m56s is beautiful and ends with the worst line possible
dont even need the rest of the video. the story is complete.