Friday, June 14, 2024

Nietzsche, Mars, Rambling

 "Lou Salomé, Paul Rée and Nietzsche travelled through Italy in 1882, planning to establish an educational commune together, but the friendship disintegrated in late 1882 due to complications from Rée's and Nietzsche's mutual romantic interest in Salomé."

 How Last Mannish.

 Any true man welcomes the contest. Hail Mars and all that. Bring it, bitches. Any true man holds no hard feelings if he loses - hence, no need to fear the contest, you risk nothing but the explicit stakes. Why not? If you and I compete for a single mate, and I lose, I can hardly blame you for that, can I? You didn't make me the way I am, nor the mate the way they are. Whether you're a better person or whether you match them more closely, all of that was true before the contest, and would remain true even if I won (perhaps by cheating). 

 On the contrary, we become better friends by seeing concretely how hard each will fight. We respect the warrior spirit. If you can fight me that hard, it tells me that if we have a common enemy, you won't be a dead weight, see? I won't have to midlane carry. You can make you own last hits.

 Women pretty much are all the same, plus or minus some cosmetic differences. If you take one from me, I can use the practice to take the next one, and it really doesn't matter in the end.

 But, also, only Communists travel with a woman like that. Woman + man travelling => sex. This is also a reason most Lord of the Rings ripoffs are kinda dumb. If they have women, then the woman would end up getting lain like a rug, to the jealousy of everyone who stays celibate. (Or she's a whore who gets reamed by everyone. Her RPG class is comfort woman.) Only travel with a woman and another man if you're intentionally trying to duel that other man. (Or she's already your wife, I guess. Dumb of him to agree unless he's also bringing his wife, tho.) Having a 'falling out' after such a predictable challenge is irresponsible and mutant-like. 

 I'm told you can also do it by locking a man and a woman in a room together. They will fuck out of boredom, then rationalize that they love each other. Meaning, birth crisis solution: regularly lock men and women together in a cell without contraceptives. Highly coercive, sure, but problem: solved. Simple. Straightforwardly breed as many children as you care to. I believe it works because it tricks the woman into thinking the man is the last man on Earth, as he's the last man she has social contact with. De-facto the highest-status man. Meanwhile, of course, most men will fuck anything with a wet hole. "Romance" is a punchline. (One-liner? Pshaw, check out my one-worder. "Romance!" kekekekekekeke, great joke. Have another: "Voting!") 


 But yes you can also do the bros before hos thing, and divvy women up in advance. Marriages are supposed to be arrange anyway - primarily women benefit from men fighting each other.
 Friends would be honest about their feelings to each other, and then agree that whoever wants it more should get her. Her opinion would be largely irrelevant, and if she doesn't like it, well, women love complaining and being oppressed anyway. If you can't be honest, you're not friends. If you can't agree on a distribution, you're not friends. Can hardly be mad at a non-friend picking a fight with you, now can you? Just remember to murder the shit out of him if he refuses to fight honourably.  
 If you find he wins but through going around your back... "All's fair in love and war." "Is it now? I bet she'll like me more after I shank you right in the kidneys. Homicide is fair too, lol." 

 By contrast, if we fight honourably, perhaps we can't be friends, but at least we can respect each other. And that's better than the alternative. And, I repeat, through contest, growth. Though avoiding conflict, decay. Only the slave fears the loss more than the lack of contest.

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