Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sanctimony is Phobos-Worship

 Sanctimony is always worship of some false god, and that god is always a subordinate of Phobos. Sadly not a false god, but certainly a devil-god. 

 Sanctimony is always the promotion of fear at the expense of joy and glory. It is weak, and it is the worship of weakness. Anyone who say you should "fear" god is worshipping Phobos, not the divine.

 If you can't avoid sanctimony, you should give Phobos something to be afraid of. How can she object? If you are not Phobos' worst enemy, you will both suffer for this poor decision.


rezzealaux said...

i don't see the link. phobos is fear right? oh. i just noticed. phobia.
sanctimony = "i need you to agree with me" = not self evidently a good deal = fear?

Alrenous said...

If it appeals to your self-interest, it is not sanctimony.

If it doesn't appeal to your self-interest, it is defection.