Monday, June 24, 2024

Why are Women So Screwed Up?

 A: traditional marriage is Communist sex. For 500,000 years or whatever, women have been bred to be Communist at a basic level. 

 The traditional marriage is an arranged marriage. Neither bride nor groom have much say. The women are being distributed. Central planning, irresponsibility, not-cooperation, etc. Monogamy is especially Communist. From each woman according to her apussbility, to each man according to his, you know, lack of pussy.

 Well, that explains most everything. Q: why do most mothers abuse their kids? A: Communism is inherently abusive. Etc etc. Alright guys, cool, we've done it, pack it up. Time to go home. 

 The part where anti-socialists suggest socializing sex, state-appointed big titty GF, is especially funny. Yo, that's ye olde marriage. That's like exactly what it was. Admittedly the part, where the only kind of Communism that Communists hate is Communist sex, is also very good.  

 From what I understand of ye tribal times, the interactions were all tribe-level. In all monkey troupes, either the female stay put and the males go roaming for a new tribe, or the males stay put and the females are cast out. In grass monkeys, it appears to be the latter. "Hey we've got a woman what needs marrying." "Cool, we don't not have a spare man here." Compatibility? What's that? Maybe if she was hot and there was more than one man who can afford a new wife, they would squabble over her a bit, but that's the extent of it. Good odds no women were particularly hot in ye tribal times in any case. Capped out at like 6.

 Consequently, women now live up to the high quality standards Communism is known for. 


 Maybe in the future women will finish degenerating into mindless sessile wombs. No hips, no childbirthing stress. Easy. Or, miraculously, perhaps there will be a hermaphrodite speciation event. Having two separate genders in a near-sapient species is clearly a design flaw.

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