Friday, June 28, 2024

Flehmen Response

 I read up properly on the flehmen response and found out most mammals have a second nose located, of all places, behind their front teeth. 

 "The flehmen response often gives the appearance that the animal is looking spiteful, grimacing, smirking, disgusted, or laughing."
 Certainly it's not natural for a human to assume a being sucking air into their teeth is trying to smell something. 

 The passage is connected to the regular nose too. Truly bizarre. You already have a nose? Why bother with two? And don't you have issues with food going up your second nose? WTF?

 The vomeronasal or Jacobson's organ sounds pretty fun and I'd like to have one, but still, the nature of the thing is really odd. It's not particularly mysterious that mortals have no such thing, as above, but it's more common than not, which certainly is mysterious.
 Admittedly, apparently a lot of VMN 'smelling' involves tasting pee, so I can't be too upset about not having one. Giraffe porn would be wild, lol. "This girl's piss is so hot." Certain hominids already do that...

 Many animals will eat their own poo. Dogs. Aren't you glad you're not one of those? Let's all not imagine what that's like. Let's not think about whether their tongues are different.

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