Sunday, June 30, 2024

On Dating and Civilizational Collapse

 Girls asks for dating advice. She wants to find a [[good]] [[[[man]]]] without being socially unacceptable.
 "You want to launch a rocket into stable orbit, using a couple elastic bands and some jello. The answer is: you can't. It doesn't work that way."

 Voters will ask how to fix their country. The answer is: you can't. Not without being socially unacceptable. And not, like, a little bit edgy. Like, breaking the geneva convention. War crimes are your table stakes. 


 Dating is inherently wrong. Voting is inherently wrong. There is high demand for destruction and suffering. There is no demand for discipline and virtue. "How do I get a healthy religion, without giving up worship of Satan?" You can't. It doesn't work that way.


Stick said...

I'd be interested to read your thoughts on polygamy. I've seen both sides of the coin, on the one hand it destabilizes society writ large; on the other, it allows the natural elites to maximize number of offspring. Follow up question, if you feel so inclined, is it worth going for quantity over quality, or a combination of both. And if so what's the optimal arrangement?

Alrenous said...

Polyandry is a sick perversion unless the whore and her johns are self-aware that it's a euphemism for prostitution.

Polygyny is a normal human universal.

The quality vs. quantity thing depends on how much the quality of the mother matters, which I don't know. The studies don't exist. For commoner men, you can't get tremendous quality anyway, nor can you go that far down. Quantity would definitely be the strategy. On the other hand, for commoners polygyny is unrealistic in the first place.

Perhaps the children of 10/10s vary so much that the mother's contribution doesn't matter. Maybe 10/10s also accept polygyny with other 10s. Maybe it's the reverse: having three kids with a 10 is worth twenty with 9s, and she won't share.

Re: stability, I have an upcoming post about how monogamy also destabilizes society, so lol & lmao. You get a much better race if large quantities of men have to fight to death on the regular to get pussy.

Stick said...

Well I reckon good looking women bear good looking children. Obviously IQ > looks, but it also probably helps to not have ugly kids. As for quality of the mother in terms of IQ, women skew more towards the mean. There are still women in the 140< range but they are few and far between.

Alrenous said...

Both looks and IQ are manifestations of underlying genetic health. It's very hard to be ugly and smart or pretty and dumb.