Saturday, June 8, 2024

Hang by the neck until dead

 When Curtis Yarvin says, "Y'all are obsessed with political power," what he means is, "I am obsessed with political power." Narcissists gonna narc. On themselves. Yarvin makes a big deal about the motes in others' eyes as a way of distracting you from the beam in his own. "I can't be a hardcore addict, look how much I condemn the addicts." Here in Reality, it is weird when a narcissist doesn't condemn their inner selves, rather than when they do.

 Kratia is parasitic defection. Yarvin is confessing to dishonourable treachery. He must lie, as cooperating with him is unmysteriously imprudent.

 Neither dishonour nor treachery are right-wing. Traitors get the rope. 

 To be fair, to be a proper traitor Yarvin would first have to trick you into thinking he's your friend. Likewise, dilbert guy tried to portray himself as dispassionate about trump...

 You can test this scientifically if you like. Find some of his unreconstructed Christian-Egalitarian brain worms, and openly, verbally notice them at him. "Great No? You missed a spot." If he's a narcissist, then he will have to gymnastic up a defence. If it's merely a mistake or oversight, he will correct immediately or soon. He has more than one, so you can safely rule out a misidentification on your part - you don't have to worry about accidentally seeing something sane as something Christian so as to get a false positive.

 To be fair, it is true that he can easily identify other thymos kratia addicts. "Sounds like me. Greetings, fellow addict." Sadly there is no methadone for kratia. He's a bandit. A highwayman. He simply seeks to brutalize and rob through words instead of guns. Moderns and especially Jews are too cowardly to use guns. 

 To be fair, it is broadly true that Democratic Tyrannous Man is obsessed with, you know, tyranny. An addict.
 Bit of a base rate issue. Dowsing rods work because you can dig a well anywhere there's a water table. Any test will look reliable when the condition is nigh-universal.
 However, the only cure for stupidity is Thanatos.

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