Thursday, June 13, 2024

Scam Quota

 When you see a gullible moron you can and should scam them. If you don't, someone even worse will scam them. They won't keep their money. It will either go you to you or to someone who deserves it even less.

 However, this shouldn't be a primary hobby. It should be an occasional thing. No matter how much you deserve their money, scamming constantly is worse for you. Will cost more than it's worth.
 The problem being the world is chock-full of idiots. You will always have more opportunities than you have quota. It's important to scam the gulls, but it's more important to invest time and energy in not encountering gulls in the first place.

 Seeing an imbecile is far less aggravating when you view them as raw ore rather than someone you have to work with. Their stupidity is an opportunity, which you should (sometimes) take advantage of.

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