Wednesday, June 19, 2024

As Always, [[Right]] = Left

 "The primary schism on the twatter right"

 No. Gotta stop you right there.
 You're [[thinking for yourself]] instead of submitting to a pope and thinking what he tells you to think.
 Nobody under discussion here is even centrist, let alone right-wing. If individual personalities matter at all to orthodoxy in your [[group]] or [[community]] then the Revolution has already atomized you.
 Full leftist. No hierarchy. Egalitarian [[flat]] alleged-society. 

 lol, because apparently this is a big discourse-thing on the [[[[right]]]] at the moment

 Imagine this [[right]] successfully produced some real action. Would you notice? The outcome would be leftist. It would be camouflaged against the background. 

 Deliberately occluding the source for the following:

 There are people who think communism is natural and good, and they’re not going to be argued out of it.

 Of course they can't be argued out of it - it is good, for them, because they're useless eaters and end up starving to death if they have to pay for themselves. They're losers under communism too but at least they're alive to suffer, right?

 People are different (that’s a signature judgement of the inegalitarian liberal type), with no tendency to converge upon common ideals

 There's no need for common ideals if you're not a totalitarian.
 Do you understand how batshit leftist this idea is? It's literally modern trooning. "Men and women should converge on the common ideal of having sex with men &c." Everyone should love dick: full globohomo.  

 You either have to [redacted] them, dominate them, be dominated by them, or escape them. Escaping them is best.

 Or, you know, trade.
 To be fair trade with communists in particular is impossible, since they aren't cooperators, and if they had anything of value they wouldn't have to resort to communism.
 For the same reason defeating them is trivial...for anyone genuinely to the right of a communist.
 However, the quoted ideology leads to men "escaping" from women and vice-versa. Because men can't be argued into the common ideal of getting a dick up their hole.
 There is another theory, which states that this has already happened.

 It's narcissism. The [schism] is merely the separation of grandiose narcissists and vulnerable narcissists. The full spectrum is crazy. It's all leftist totalitarianism, as is meet for narcissist universalizers.

 Since communism is often a genetic problem, even if you [[escape]] from communists, more will be born in your galt's gulch. Gonna escape from your own descendants?

 For practical purposes, therefore, the future of liberty [...] is entirely dependent upon the development of American federalism

 Oh my god.
 "The important part is to make the shameless, traitorous parasites smaller, somewhat."
 Bruh, what's stopping you from getting a pope? What's stopping you from electing a king?
 "The fact Plato was right and I have no self-discipline. Even if I had a king I would be unable to do what he says."
 Ah. Of course. Carry on.

 Get mogged by fuckin' Amish you gossipy cucks. Narcissists always have an excuse. Nothing is ever their own fault. "I can't be right wing now, federalism hasn't been achieved yet." 

 Serious question: What has humanity actually achieved since the 1960s?

 Excuse me? Humanity? Is my last name Humanity? It doesn't seem to be. Why are we talking about this weird [humanity] thing which has nothing to do with me?
 "Butbut the world emperor is doing a bad job." So PM the world emperor lol, don't take this shit out in public. Also maybe tell him he forgot to conquer the Amish, kek.


"You don't have a pope either." I have an equivalent. To oversimpify, I submit and surrender to logic. I do in fact pray for discipline, and boy howdy are my prayers answered...
 This is perhaps why it's so easy for me to notice that these [[rightists]] have zero discipline. Zero responsibility. Zero rightishness. 

 They should jettison the superstition about speaking the truth. If you're doing it that badly, you might as well guiltlessly embrace lies.

 It's hard for me to read twitter nowadays. This is good. There was one (1) vaguely masculine guy on there - naturally, he gets banned regularly and as far as I know doesn't currently have an account. Masculinity is even banned on 4chan. Free speech lmao.

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