Thursday, June 27, 2024

On Wisdom of Crowds

 The kind of thing you can get a crowd to accurately answer, you don't need a crowd for. Revenge is Sour: the condition of a crowd being wise is for the wisdom to be superfluous.

 "How many jelly beans are in this jar?" You can weigh the thing far cheaper than you can ask hundreds for an opinion then tally and average their answers. Also, who cares? It doesn't matter. 

 Do you not have enough wrong opinions? If you need bad ideas, crowds are a great source of massive amounts of bad ideas. How about mob psychology? What's your demand level for mob psychology? Hard to get any without forming a mob first. 

 "Give to me straight, doc, what's my condition?"
 "Well gee sir, why didn't you ask the next 200 passers-by on the sidewalk? Wisdom of crowds! I'm off for the day, peace!"  weeeeee~


 There is a condition of pseudo-wisdom, which we can summarize as [capitalism]. If the crowd has to pay something to emit their signal, you can regularly stop them from lying. You can force a crowd to admit they're not as stupid as they pretend to be...which some foolish peakwits can confuse with being wise in some sense.


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