Monday, June 10, 2024

The CIA Wants to Spy On You, So Don't Encourage Them

The man who read Oswald’s mail was Reuben Efron, the deputy chief of the CIA’s illicit mail-surveillance program in the early 1960s. The program spied on thousands of Americans from 1955 to 1974, a gross violation of the agency’s charter banning covert operations against US citizens.

 The CIA absolutely wants to read your mail, and mine too. However, we're on a list with literally hundreds of millions of fellow travellers, so they don't remotely have the workers to read all this junk. They primarily read high-priority targets. So, e.g, don't show up in the news. Don't be Microsoft. Don't be Musk.  

 Also, if you post "It's okay to be white" posters, at least wear a ski mask, and try not to pass any security cameras on your way home. Assume a major world power will sic its spooks on you, because they will. The country is a giant middle school, and the teachers are a) teacher-like micormanaging busybodies and b) will take any excuse to send anyone to detention. They would detain everyone if they could get away with it.

The memo showed that Efron had learned that a former radar operator at the CIA’s top-secret base in Atsugi, Japan, named Lee Oswald had returned from a two-year stay in the Soviet Union.

 The CIA spends like half its time spying on itself. You've likely already done this major security procedure: don't work for the government, especially not major three-letter agencies. Nor the [[news]] organizations.

 If you do work for one of these places, they will 100% do basic surveillance such as tracking your movements, and flag you for stuff like visiting the Soviet Union. Or, in modern times, e.g. trying to interview Putin or Julian Assange. 

 They're 100% surveilling that one teacher with the huge fake boobs who pretended to be a tranny. Teachers are supposed to be utterly zealous leftist fanatics, and even leftists think traitors get the rope. Plus he showed up in the news.
 You can't just quit the mafia.


 It's important to remain a low-priority target. If the CIA decides you're a high-priority target, it best be after you've already raised an army. Or at least after you've already fled to China or Russia as a political asylum seeker. What [Five Eyes] means is that they let the CIA play secret police for them, or go ahead and play secret police on the CIA's behalf. Outside Russia, China, and the Five Eyes, it's a question of how much hassle it is for them to go after you compared to how much you're like Andrew Tate.
  America accomplishes more censorship of political speech than China does, the only question is whether China's Official censorship groups are more productive than America's. If they can't get you in jail and discredited like Kaczynski, at worst the CIA will assassinate you. The speech will stop, one way or another. The CIA assassinates at least one person a month; America is a banana republic. A South American country. E.g. you don't hear about journalists taking deals from the CIA that much because they get killed for becoming disgruntled, or at least warned by their animal cunning that they're likely to get killed if they spill the beans.
 You can't quit the mafia.

 Being explicit: living in theocracies such as Fascism is unpleasant because the government assumes everyone is a criminal until proven otherwise. Police states are giant jails. (A public school is a kind of jail or gulag.) Everyone is either a guard or a prisoner. America and its satrapies are all police states, except the police are drastically underfunded and can't afford to round up all the escaped prisoners. It's important, so saying it again: they do have the funds to round up some of the prisoners, so don't attract enough attention that you get on that list. 

 E.g. China has (or at least had) wet markets. These are basically outgroup even in China, but China is not a 100% Fascist police state like America, so they don't try to round up and jail every heathen. Indeed insofar as wet markets are being banned, it is likely due to pressure from America. The Chinese still don't mind these outsider enclaves - as long as they don't make China look bad, which wet markets did. Meanwhile if Uyghurs acted up in America like they do in China, they would risk getting Gaza'd. It seems these groups largely know better, however, and keep to themselves.

 It's extremely clear that the CIA launched the Wokeness campaign in 2013 when such domestic campaigns were legalized. However, they were flagrantly violating posse comitatus rules long before that, so it's weird that they waited for permission. Doing illegal things is de rigeur at the CIA, so it's downright bizarre when they're not doing illegal things they clearly want to do. 

 To accurately predict what the government is going to do, you need to know stuff like when the CIA obeys the law and when it doesn't. Luckily the government is basically stupid and there's no need to know in advance what it's going to do. It leaks so much warning and takes so long to complete its actions that half-blind snails have time to dodge.  

 Don't stand where they're looking, do keep a bug-out bag and passport ready for when they introduce the Juden star equivalent, and you're good to go. 

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

>It leaks so much warning and takes so long to complete its actions that half-blind snails have time to dodge.
yesterday i learned the berlin wall did not go up in 1945.
it went up in 1961.
after two quashed revolutions *in east berlin, nevermind in hungary etc. or nearly an entire generation of being next to west berlin.