Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sogol of Christian Forgiveness Contradicts the Bible & Forgiveness as Rhetorical Religion Design

 Christians are supposed to forgive. Turn the other cheek, let God sort 'em out and all that. Buried lede later.

 If someone is being forgiven, they must be a good person. Sogol. You wouldn't forgive someone irredeemable, would you? Because you're forgiving them, they must not be irredeemable. (Don't forget "redeem" means "to buy back," meaning they were sold at some point. According to Christian ontological commission, the problem is the past actions of the Christians forgiver, not the forgiven.)

 Contradiction: Romans 3, which explicitly says everyone is irredeemable. 

 Although Romans is Satanic, like most of the bible, the lie here is targetted at the redeemable upper 1%, not the revolting squalor of the bottom 99%. Here, Christians are in a sense super-Satanists, lying even more flagrantly than Satan does.

 ("There is no one righteous, not even one;" The [not even one] is emphasized, because that's the thrust of the passage; therefore, that's the thrust of the lie, and it is indeed untrue.)

 Of course, Satan's lie is more destructive, more hateful. Christians aren't living up to to the example of self-destruction that Satan set. But, bless them, they're really trying. 

 If you're sane you're a misanthropist. Humanity is a pile of shit. Christians are not sane, and believe in "high trust" the idea that everyone is basically "good." Especially when they're doing bad.

 Buried lede: this shows that Satanism comes first, Christianity merely supplies the demand for Satanism. When Christianity doesn't supply the Satanism that's convenient for these fallen shit piles, Christianity is discarded. Christian doctrine matches Satanist pinings because it was designed to, not because the Satanists adapted to biblical ideas.

 In other words, Woke makes sense. A matter of course: when the Satanists become more Satanic, it's the bible that's discarded for insufficient Satanism, not the Satanism. When the constitution is insufficiently Satanic, it's the constitution that's discarded, not Satanism. Supply, demand. Demand, supply.

 P.S. You can tell the forgiveness stuff was engineered specifically because humanity is [fallen].  (P.P.S They were never up to start with, in reality. Can't redeem something you never sold. It was like that to start with. Contra narcissism, poverty and viciousness is the default state and needs no explanation, only through effort and explanation does anyone achieve wealth and virtue.) A [fallen] race or species needs lots of forgiveness, now doesn't it? The religion is deliberately designed to appeal to the irredeemable and unforgivable. "God loves you so much that, even though we both know you don't deserve forgiveness, he'll forgive you anyway." "Yes, I love the idea that God is batshit insane! Sign me up!" (Crises of faith ensue, how strange.) If everyone you know is unforgivable, you might as well forgive them anyway, right? Get something done, at the short term, at least...

 Biology wasn't intelligently designed. Christianity was, though. Narcissists always project.  

 That Christianity works rhetorically is proof that humanity is [fallen]. Doesn't appeal to the healthy.

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