Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Microplastics vs. Phobophilia

 Not having contact with plasticizers would probably be for the best.

 Yet, what is not being afraid of everything all the time worth? 

 Fearmongers never tell you what the cost is. It's always binary thinking. Always [mandatory-or-forbidden]. Sanctimonious moralizing. Childish, womanish, lower class. 

 If you knew what the cost was, you might realize it's not worth the effort. You can see this particularly clearly with the clotshot. Is it bad for you? Sure. Is it literally genocidal, going to wipe out all life on earth? According to antivaxxers, yes. 

 You can easily see how they come up with it: to them, if you don't listen to them, they feel like they will literally perish. "Give me social status or give me death!" For fearmongers, the point is control, not health or glory. The point isn't that you should be afraid, the point is that they're afraid - of you. 

 And they should know, shouldn't they? Stop listening to them, and start believing them. 

 This is a major reason I came up with the guillotine criterion. If you need a double-blind clinical trial to detect the effect, it is not worth thinking about.
 In certain edge cases, admittedly only due to political nonsense, it was worth taking the clotshot. If you have a realistic estimate of the costs, you can do the accounting (mature, masculine, amoral, upper class).

 Almost nothing is worth worrying about at all, ever. Either fix it or surrender. Worry is all cost, no profit. 

 In certain cases, it's even worth being feminine. It's not always incorrect to buy the cheap lower-class good made of garbage. The correct deontology is that your rules aren't good enough and need infinite epicycles to handle the fact Reality isn't smoothbrained.

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