Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Anime Animal-Humans are Humans

 Specifically they're nihonjin, not ainu, and not from okinawa or kyoto either. Mainline nihonjin.

 If demihumans were actually demi, their living arrangements would be profoundly incompable with humans, and definitely nothing like a jap. Hence, they aren't demi. They're just nihonjin with weird pointy-ear mutations. The demons are also nihonjin. 

 Which you would naively expect if you start from the notion they all speak nihongo. 


 Egalitarians are boring.
 Grant every possible superficial difference, to hide the essential identity. All these majin and beasts and halfs, and they all love rice and hot springs and never speaking their mind. Yup. Sure. Not agonizingly narcissistic at all. 


 The narcissist's false self has to be simple, because lies have immense overhead, they are hard, because they are rebellion against god. Clearly, they can't handle any depth or complexity or profundity in the projection, not while fighting god off with the other hand.

 Hilarious broken aesop. Supposed to be [discrimination is bad]. Never notice anyone is different! Because everyone is identical as a matter of religious commandment!
 Except, the real story: everyone wants to discriminate against nihonjin, especially nihonjin.
 They genuinely can't imagine anything but themselves, so all their antagonists are nihonjin too, whoops. They want to discriminate so bad every other anime has to be about not to do that (because it really is bad for nihon). An immense, ever-present hazard.
 Why not believe them? They would know, wouldn't they?

 As per lastpsych, the antagonists are also valid social roles. The point of society, obviously, is to play out some cosmic drama, and if some of the roles aren't filled, well, the play isn't being done correctly, now is it? Quick, not enough school shooters, hand out more SSRIs until you can get those numbers up. Not enough race riots...

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