Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Executive Summary of Quaker vs. Puritan

 As linked earlier, this includes a great summary of Puritan vs. Quaker. "The Quakers settled in what is now Pennsylvania. They were tolerant of other faiths, even for faiths that would not extend tolerance back." and so on. 

 Thus it is easy to show that Puritanism is in particular grandiose narcissism, and Quakerism is vulnerable narcissism.
 Grandiose narcissists have a persecutor complex - they want to prove they can persecute in every situation. "I'm the king and if you try to hurt me I'll jail you." Grandiose narcissists can't get along without strict, violent hierarchies. The one on top will always use their position to tighten the thumbscrews, because functionally they still can't get along. None can accept anything less than the crown.
 Vulnerable narcissists have a persecution complex - they believe they are entitled ("inner light") because they are a victim; they deserve restitution. Being victimized by other faiths only strengthens their delusions. If they can't whine about existing persecution, they will passive-aggressively provoke persecution, or simply lie about it. They like to trick grandiose or malignant narcissists into taking the spotlight, then manipulate them vizier-style.


 Jews don't seem to have a not-narcissist phenotype. If they don't have a mind-blastingly terrifying external enemy, they will turn on each other without restraint, all trying to be the most grandiose. Consequently if no enemy exists, they have to invent one. Perhaps through provocation. They're vulnerable or grandiose based on context.
 Every single one has to be in charge. Christianity is narcissistic because it is Abrahamic. 

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