Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Peasants = Children Again

 If it is accepted that a child's stupidity is grounds to override their decisions, then it also must be the case that an adult's stupidity is grounds for overriding their decisions. If you're smart and they're not, if they can't understand what you're saying (determined at your own discretion) then you can and should go ahead and ignore whatever they have to say.

 That or children should be allowed to make their own decisions. If they want to play in traffic and you can't convince them not to, whelp, time to get pregnant again.


Anonymous said...

At least children are cute. Maybe it's possible to see peasants as cute too.

Alrenous said...

They would be adorable if they weren't made of 100% AAA conceit. "I graduated from prostitute school. I'm an educated adult." Bro you didn't even pronounce [prostitute] correctly, it sounded like pubic, or maybe public.