Thursday, February 6, 2025


 It is break time.

 Posts will resume at an unknown point in the future. Also at an unknown rate, though daily is still least unlikely.

 It will not, however, be at an unknown rhythm. It will be specifically an 8th of the month, at the usual time. There's no need to hammer f5...I know at least one of you would. Statistically inevitable. If there's no post on the 8th, try next month. Or use the RSS or whatever.

 Exception: if the hiatus goes long I'll re-name it [sabbatical]. I will decide at the time what day of the month to post this on, but the return date will become known. In other words if you see a post not on the 8th it's only to say the hiatus is lasting longer.
 Exception: if I die unexpectedly, there will be a series of weird shit at random moments in 2031.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Canada and Mexico as Offshore Drug Labs

 Mexico and canada have serious organized crime problems. Catastrophic, in fact. Black markets masquerading as countries.

 Naturally, Revenge is Sour. If their tax livestock didn't have horrific characters, it wouldn't have been possible. It was, in fact, possible...

 They couldn't openly do retarded bioweapons research in america, so they did it in ukraine and china instead. 

 They couldn't openly manufacture schedule 1 drugs in america, so they did it in canada or mexico instead. These places had the misfortune of sharing a land border with america. 

 Shut down USAID's brother and sister, and the narco-trade will collapse on its own, by the way. They were subsidizing the ""invasion"" of illegals, and if the drug trade still exists, it's being propped up by tax dollars and/or implicit security guarantees. Ref: prohibition, the mobs are always part of the government. You can tell: try to start your own mob, see how [our hands are ties] is truly real... Yeah sure they had no way of getting capone except tax charges, lol...

 Which means the fent deaths in america are merely the peasants doing what they're told to do. As per usual. 

 Canada, ontario in particular, is the money laundering capital of the world. Who are they laundering money for? Biden. Obvs. Biden, obama, their trade partners.
 P.S. It is surprising that black governments take so long to convert the market entire into a black market. Any acute solution is a way of refusing to look at the chronic cause.
 P.P.S. Capone the capo. Bit on the nose, isn't it? Hit the nail on the head, too.

Orbital Mechanic Basics & Orbit Planet

 I had an [oh my god humans are so dumb] moment, so now anyone who doesn't already know orbital mechanics gets to learn the basics.


 It's this: to get to a higher orbit, go faster. To get to a lower orbit, go slower.
 In particular, you usually have to do it twice. Doing a burn affects the altitude of your orbit on the far side of the primary. Thus, when you get to your new aphelion, you need to do another burn, to even it out. Alt: you can do an even(ish) burn through a whole orbit, although this is plain stupid if you're using newtonian mass-ejection rockets. 

 Humans naively think that getting to a higher orbit means pushing yourself up. Hey. Morons. What happens when you push yourself up sub-orbitally? You come back down. Guess what happens in orbit? You come back down. Retards. Pushing yourself up is not useful unless you have a ledge up there to hang onto, to prevent the fall. No ledges in space.
 In space there's no ground to hit, so you go up again. And down. And up. Pushing yourself up (or down) while in orbit simply adds an oscillation to your orbit.
 Conservation of energy means going higher means going slower. Your altitude drops, as per the first principle of orbit. Going lower means going faster. Altitude rises. So on forever. Pushing up or down is a nearly completely useless way to spend energy.

 Something something saturn rockets? They see you get into orbit by pushing up. But you don't. If the rocket went straight up, it would also come straight back down.
 In addition to the dumb, there are lies. Escape velocity isn't a real thing. If there were only one large mass in the universe, everything would be its satellite, the only question is how distant the aphelion was. Provided gravity is continuous and doesn't cut out at some doesn't matter how fast you're going, at any finite velocity, you will decelerate infinitely. You reach zero velocity and come back. In the real world you can make smaller masses (earth) negligible compared to bigger masses (sun, galaxy) but you never literally [escape]. 


 On the other hand, perpendicular forces seem fairly intuitive. It changes only the direction of your orbit. You're making a great circle, and now you're making a different great circle through the same place you turned. 

 A truly counterintuitive thing: higher velocities have higher linear velocities, but lower angular velocities. The orbit takes longer. 

 Imagine a planet spinning so fast that at the tropics, the surface is moving at orbital velocity. Probably it's impossible, and if it were possible, it's likely not possible to have an atmosphere on this planet, but it would be a wild place. If you kick up a rock, it would get into orbit. Levitate. Then smack into you, as your feet are anchoring you to a higher angular velocity layer.
 Regardless of how heavy the planet is, you would be weightless. It wouldn't need to push up on you to keep you from sinking into the ground. Your feet wouldn't in fact anchor you without magnets or claws, you would lift off and the ground would slide under you toward sunrise, as you orbited at the proper orbit for your centre of mass.

 What would happen as you move toward the equator? Coriolis sand seas? Orbiting gravel constantly jostling against relatively-faster moving lower orbits?
 This thought experiment is not some exotic thing I can specially do. Physicists are just boring. Alchemists had style, and were therefore better. 

 Fast bullets are around 4000 kph. Orbital velocity on the moon is around 6000 kph. Due to lack of air, you can have ankle-height orbits if you want. Though you have to take into account the fact the moon isn't a sphere. The ankle-height orbits aren't stable due to mountains implying nonlinearities.
 Artillery on the moon can hit any other point on the moon.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Moral of Gilgamesh

 If you make "friends" with someone who can casually kick your ass, he will probably get you killed. He will take you along to a challenge that's reasonable for him and entirely impossible for you. So, don't do that. 

 Subordinates should tag themselves as subordinates. There's nothing shameful about being a vassal. What's shameful is the liegeman pretending to be equal to the liege lord.

Astronomy and Deep Geology are Bunk

 We know scientists are absolutely shit at prediction. Every time they extend a theory, it's fuckin' wrong. 

 Speaking of mohorovičić boreholes, let's read the kula superdeep borehole wikipedia page for about twenty seconds.

 "During the drilling process, the expected basaltic layers at 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) down were never found, nor were basaltic layers at any depth. There were instead more granites, deeper than predicted. The prediction of a transition at 7 kilometres was based on seismic waves indicating discontinuity, which could have been caused by a transition between rocks, or a metamorphic transition in the granite itself."
 "The drilling mud that flowed out of the hole was described as "boiling" with an unexpected level of hydrogen gas."

 As expected, scientists immediately get FAFO'd by experiment.

 If it didn't replicate, it didn't happen. 


 Largely this is because scientists aren't scientists. [If it didn't replicate]...this is literally science 101. If I have to tell you, you're not a scientist. They have the job description, but not the skills. Which is not surprising. Humanity is evil. Satan's children. Second, they are funded by black governments. They are politicians, not scientists, or they get fired. See also: public choice theory applies. Government science is an extremely efficient way of mass-producing lies. 


 I was reading about suns recently.

 It's important to remember all this stuff astronomers confidently assert is mostly bullshit. It's based on models. If you dig one sun borehole they will turn out to be false, guaranteed.

 They will tell you about the inside of the sun. They have no idea.
 They also can't see shit. Telescopes are primitive. Stone age. The oort cloud is theoretical - they can't see it. To first order approximation, we have no clue what's out there. A bit like medicine. Assume the doctor is trying to kill you, unless you specific, local evidence to the contrary. Assume the astronomer is literally worse than an astrologer, unless you have specific, personal evidence to the contrary. 

 Astronomers can't experiment, so Reality can't beat them upside the head with her teaching stick. As a result, they would be smarter with the brains on the outside, drying in the sun, rather than the inside. Net error would go down.

  On the upside, that blue sun drawing is well done.


 Part of a pattern I should perhaps write about soon. The observation/analysis divide. Observing keenly is fairly common. Understanding what you've seen is almost impossible. Reading witness reports is fine, and when they get to conclusions you can stop reading 99.999% of the time. Similarly folk can tell you what a social system is doing, but not what it can do. They have no idea how it will respond to impulses.
 That is: astronomers can observe stellar lifecycles because galaxies are all different ages, thus, for any star, they can find a star that's the same but slightly older, and chart it that way. Anything they can't directly observe is based on analysis, which they are incapable of. Anyone capable of analysis does it in realms where they can be proven wrong, so as to show off when it isn't. Unfortunately, it is precisely astronomy et al that needs the highest analysis skill - it's not impossible, it's merely too difficult. Far more difficult than can be handled by the capacities of anyone willing to work for the government.

 Seen is real. Thought is not real. Perhaps call it NPC science.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Tariffs Benefit the Tariffed Country

 "Tariffs raise government revenue by taxing domestic consumption of foreign goods and services. They should therefore permit reduction of other forms of domestic revenue raising ('income tax!').
 Their primary incentive effect is substitution in favor of domestic production."

 Tariffs reduce local production, because the government suddenly wants to maximize imports of the tariffed good.

 Daycare is the State trying to ban motherhood, because mommy can't be taxed.

 Consider car [[insurance]].
 Consider obamacare. 

 Conquest's third law.

 Tariffs, like every tax, are crimes. Crimes cannot be prosocial by definition. They are parasitic by definition, and tariffs match the definition. Ideally, the State bans local production, forcing all of the good to be imported.

 Tariffs give clout to foreign industries. They form a special interest. Empirically or historically, we can see local producers will have a weak or missing lobbyist herd. A tariff on steel allows the foreign steel  interests to threaten your government's tax receipts by refusing to export.
 Meanwhile, if you threaten your government's tax receipts, they arrest you. Lmao. Apex kek.


 There's a constant: american tax receipts are 19% of GDP. Anything that might push them higher instead leads to tax evasion or collapse of the taxed industry. The part of the laffer curve where revenue is going down is the whole white economy contracting. 

 Maybe experiment with a 19% flat tax, see where exactly the 19% cutoff is. Then realize you're already over the laffer hill, and 18% of a larger economy is a larger absolute number than the 19%. Lowering taxes is far more important than trying to find the least-criminal crime.


 Tariffs raise foreign production. First, they consume it locally, so there's more raw stuff in the previously-exporting country. Second, exports can no longer supply much forex for imports, so they produce whatever they used to trade for. Transportation is cheap because it's subsidized, meaning they're saving deadweight costs there too. The raw prices are higher but you get lower inflation and higher wages.

 Canadians should be ecstatic about the 25% tariff. "Can't it be 40%? Come onnnn!"

 The effect of titanic canadian tariffs on milk is Communist milk. E.g. in canada, dairy was one of the primary vectors of the novel coronavirus, because the factories live up to the standards we can expect from Communism. Along with being a vector for non-novel coronaviruses... If the tariff is high enough that it's banning the import, then the result is catastrophic. Big crimes are big bad. Who knew. 

 Massive sanctions on Russia.
 Result: massive economic growth in Russia.

 The transportation subsidy has the same perverted dynamic as tariffs. Much of the reason it's so hard to find local goods is because the government wants to maximize transportation subsidies paid. To expand the bureaucracy. The more ridiculous and inefficient the supply line, the better. Hence trucks not trains, for example.

 Instead of subsidizing imports and then collecting duties on the imports, simply cut the subsidy.

Billions in Negative Wisdom

 1) Any remotely [respectable] economist will tell you the amish live well below the poverty line. Negligible amounts of wealth.

 2) Random amish individuals are about as happy as billionaire americans.

 These facts together tell us this: americans have billions of dollars invested in negative wisdom. 

 Perhaps one in a hundred million have wisdom worth zero. In modern times, getting wisdom all the way up to [not holding you back] is a tremendous, heroic achievement.

 Naturally, I'm one in a billion or so. There are others. Fewer than 10. We're so hard to find that I would like to rank us (so I can get to #1 obvs) but I can't. The necessary information is not available. Also the others wouldn't care about the ranking, so it's quite pointless. Even more pointless: nobody but the other wisdom one-in-billionaires can even understand the ranking. "But what are you even measuring?" (Not that sub-billionaires are fluent enough to state their thoughts this clearly.)

 Check: amish [wisdom] amounts to what dark ages peasants thought was obvious. It can be considered a default. The free gift package. If you're doing worse than this, it is due to epic levels of villainy. Colossal, titanic investments in negative wisdom. 

 It bears repeating: a poor american is not merely poor. Including the intangible asset of wisdom, they are billions of dollars in the hole. Their net worth is Infernal. Have to dig a mohorovičić borehole to draw the line on the graph low enough.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Sun is Female

 She is moody, variable, and she doesn't like it when you stare at her.

 Women follow men. They have a lunar cycle, following the steady, predictable, precise, clear moon, because they follow the masculine's lead. 

 The lesson here is that mortals are profoundly fond of embracing falsehoods. Cognitive health is abnormal. 

 Well, that or male mortals are feminine like the moon, and female mortals are masculine like the sun.