Monday, June 17, 2024

Failure of Youtube's Deliberate Algo Failure

 Modern MBA is not completely terrible. Whoops.
 Doesn't pull punches or use euphemisms. Only overlooks the fact that a fresh doughnut - which you can't buy anywhere - is a wholly different product. Let's not even think about a fresh doughnut made out of food instead mechanized laboratory reagents.
 Overlooks the fact the primary thing you sell to Americans is lies. You don't sell products - you sell a false narrative, in which the product is a prop or excuse. He seems subliminally aware of it, but the video is significantly more valuable if you explicitly keep in mind. Secondarily, recall the the lordship shortage. SV is trying to use "data" or "AI" to replace the missing managers. Mechanical judgment.
 In this one he only overlooks the value of a stable business. What if Denny's doesn't need to grow? 

 Of course, don't actually watch them on youtube. I prefer to use local storage. 

 If you want a chaser of disappointment, try this.
 Five minutes of video max, strettttttttttttched and leavened with sanctimony.


rezzealaux said...

this guy is a lot of examples.
but 'quantity has a quality of its own'.

rezzealaux said...

"I was not expecting this video to strike such a chord with me. I've worked as a software engineer for over a decade, and I had this overwhelming feeling my job was complete bullshit for most of that time."
not overwhelming enough to stop doing it apparently

"The section about people being extremely tribal and only learning things because it pads a resume is 100% the truth."
sounds like that includes you

"It's just a disgusting industry to be a part of if you have any integrity, just lies lies and more lies."
sounds like that includes this comment

"I hadn't heard a great explanation of why it sucks to work in tech until I came across this video. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making this."
sounds like you're still gonna work in tech

why do people make comments like this? is it a brag? it's a brag, isn't it.

"This video made me realize something for the first time. Every company is trying to use big data and/or AI to "understand the consumer", with the goal of trying to sell their crappy, overpriced product. So instead of focusing efforts trying to make a good product, for a reasonable price, they are trying to sell me their crappy product for as much as possible, and hope that AI tells them how to do that. I think customers are easy to understand - just don't rip me off man. No wonder most of them are failing."
wow a good comment
whats the most effective sales tactic? having a product that's good.

"bro we need the porn industry explained. Before and after the internet. Ive always heard that its a multi-billion dollar industry but have always asked "whos paying for it?" Clearly the actors aren't earning it? One could say the free websites are earning it from ad revenue but are that many people clicking on fake personal sites?"
"Stop talking about Porn! Stop asking why free porn is so accessible to any and everyone! Stop noticing!"
these comments being on the same video is the real surprise.

Alrenous said...

>It sucks to work in tech
"You have now proven I'm a victim. Great! Mission accomplished! Nobody can deny that I'm a poor persecuted underdog! I will continue getting whipped by master! Mommy really didn't love me!"


Certain groups are incredibly perverted - this is also a mommy issue - and can't get through the day without free porn. Some of them are less badly off and merely need to think about the possibility of free porn. "I could be jerkin' it right now. I'll finish this first tho." Alt: prostitutes.

Problem: whores are disgusting. It's not even sexy, it's a sewer or garbage dump. Free porn is worth at most what you pay for it.

rezzealaux said...

o. right.
it would probably be useful if i put masochism higher on the motivations guessing list. instead of taking the really long way and not completing the reading all the time.

Alrenous said...

I myself continually forget about masochism when someone isn't verbally asking about it.
I come up with the old perverted-incentives things. "Men must have accidentally bred women to be beautiful at the expense of being tolerable!" No, women are being horrible on purpose because that's the goal. Provoking spousal [[abuse]] is, like, the point.

Alrenous said...

But yes. Remember folk will deliberately seek to have jobs in the anime and manga industry. It's not that their reputation of minimum-wage 16 hour days is some kind of niche cult knowledge. Getting yourself abused is the point - the fact the reputation is so widespread is an upside, not a deterrent. Don't have to convince anyone your bosses are [[exploitative]] since they already know.

rezzealaux said...

"Why not just watch porn?"
i think i just put these two things together for the first time
"porn consumers" are not an identical set, a pure subset, or a pure superset to "coomers".
for that matter... the population that uses whores.
oh. it's a sales pitch.

Alrenous said...

Communist whores. Truly the worst.
"Here, have a government-sponsored whore." You thought Communist prostitute-school was bad...

rezzealaux said...

'beautiful women are porn'
'porn should be banned to protect the kids'
it's beautiful. a complete inversion of reality. beautiful women posed as identical to cooming and whores and porn and children as identical to authority and ugliness and imprisonment. wow. what a victory of marketing.

Alrenous said...

A man wants a beautiful girl so he can punish his [[friends]] "see I'm sexually better than you" and wants all other women to be hideous, again to punish his [[friends]].

Aggregate demand is what women be ugly. Aggregate demand is that everything be ugly.

rezzealaux said...

'my wife is the most beautiful woman on earth'
'and im gonna make it that way cause otherwise id cheat and thats immoral'

Alrenous said...

If their lord or priest isn't forcibly ensuring they don't cheat, it's not like the commoner can fall back on anything silly like self-control.