Sunday, June 9, 2024

Pronouncing Foreign Words Correctly Doesn't Make You Educated

 It makes you a cuck.

 Especially as an english speaker, correctly pronouncing french words cannot be justified. Go miles out of your way to avoid using one, if you can't get away with mispronouncing it. If someone tries to put you in mandatory french classes, kill them.

 Likewise, it is incredibly difficult to justify correctly pronouncing japanese words. I mean if you're in japan and trying to talk to nihonjin, then sure. Outside such extreme edge cases...

 Do wish I could purge my vocab of latin roots. Bureaucuck words.
 Sadly nobody would appreciate the effort. Not worth. Learn ancient greek to get away from the frankenstein trash fire that is english: have nobody to speak it with. Such a strategic plan.


Anonymous said...

There is a website that attempts to show how English would have evolved if 1066 was just another year: The Anglish Moot. Neat site.

Anonymous said...

Uh - my native tongue is English, but I've learned French and Japanese. What am I supposed to do?

Alrenous said...
