Wednesday, December 6, 2023

New Obesity Hypothesis: Poison Sequestering

 Reading about liver-related nutrition theory. 

 If you overload your liver with toxins, it gets fat. If it runs out of local storage, it uses general storage.

 If so, it's not any particular poison that's the issue. Lithium? Pesticides? Receipt BPA? Car exhaust? Rather, it's the total toxin load. Either you can bile out all the toxins, or you can't. Throughput issue, hence a nice inflection point on the obesity graph by decade.

 Exercise lets you lose weight on the sauna-detox mechanism. Rustle your lymph to get it moving, which reduces toxin load, plus poison sweat putting gunk on the outside instead of the inside. 

 Fat is 'inflammatory' because it's in fact poisonous fat. E.g. losing weight improves acne, because the emergency sequesters aren't leaking poisons anymore. 

 Previously, I had whale theory.

 No known reason it can't be both.

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