Monday, December 11, 2023

Being Explicit: the Sacred and the Profane

 The basic idea of all religions is sinners get their society destroyed, and you must avoid sin to avoid destruction.

 However, as good nihilists, we need to reverse this: what gets your society destroyed is a sin, and what nourishes your society is a good ritual. 

 For example, every religion declares homicide to be a sin, but in fact criminalizing homicide is the choice that causes decay. It's not religions that tell us what sins are, but sins which tell us what the religion should be.

 However, there's a double reversal. Unfortunately for secularists and Gnon types, there's a very simple division between sin and virtue. An easy to explain distinction between just and unjust.

 Cooperate with cooperators. Hate deviants; defect on them.

 Love is sacred. Treachery is profane.

 As it turns out, Gnon say: love is beauty is justice is truth. If you are antagonistic to love or any of its isotopes, your society will become corrupt and ultimately die.  Everyone who wanted to be "hard" and make the "tough" decisions was rebelling against Existence. 

 Gnon reliably tortures and murders any society which deprecates love. E.g. Gnon despises Christians, especially the Woke sect, or what used to be called Progressives.

 It's very hard to reconcile these results with the idea that the holiness of the divine is merely a metaphor or simplification. Indeed, it's impossible to reconcile these ideas without lying. The sacred is real.

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