Friday, December 8, 2023

Omens and Apocalypse

 "Many things right now point to some huge cataclysm but I don't feel anxious about it. If the gods wish it, so it will be. 

 "Last time something did happen I dropped everything I was doing to correct it immediately."

Indeed. No point in anxiety. If they want you dead, you dead. If not, then someone with a shrine like Rau will get plenty of warning about where not to stand.

Independent corroboration, ruling out noise in the system:

 "A loop that opened in 2020 is closing this week."

 "There is definitely a strange energy in the air. “Dread” isn’t really my emotional struggle. Mostly it’s being flat or too intense. Been feeling those demonic emotions tho and others are noticing same, as well as 3 am waking up feeling weird. Zeitgeist change. Not a good one."

 Can personally confirm. Started Nov 2, for those curious about specifics.

 I seem to be deeply involved in whatever it is. If it goes hard for you, uh, sorry. My bad.
On the other hand, there's a small chance I scuttled it


Anonymous said...


Alrenous said...

The signs also say there won't be a nuclear exchange, which is the level of war these kinds of omens would be pointing to.

Maybe America will finally put all the deprecated-Americans into camps.
Militaries the world over have plans to round up and deport all racial dissonants.
This also means they have plans to round up and imprison all racial harmonants.

Could also be the solar storm that one niche has been panicking about. If you saw the planet-sized sunspot, remember that dark sunspots are signs of increased solar power. They're not cold spots. Maybe Sol decides it's Solar Wrath time and EMPs the planet. That sunspot is easily big enough to set off something like that if it goes off in our direction.

Anonymous said...

This has me not too worried about the sun

In the event of a world war what factions do you expect?

Alrenous said...

In a sane society with properly designed and maintained infrastructure a Carrington event would indeed be little more than an off-season holiday.

Alrenous said...

Curious, I ran forward on that blog a bit.
Until I got the bits about ncov, where he didn't question the idea that it was Black Plague 2.0.

Same pro-authority error in the Carrington stuff.

Alrenous said...

"It can’t, for instance, cause a heart attack, since heart attacks are the result of a disease process inside arterial walls which is years in the making."
Okay. No.
Being on Black Plague train in 2020 is not completely heinous. Foolish and naive. Saying this sort of thing in the year of our died suddenly 2023 is pure evil.

Anonymous said...

yup. He is Moldbug's brother btw

Alrenous said...

I saw the family resemblance. Thanks for the confirm.