Thursday, December 21, 2023

How the Book Nurture Assumption Tries to Make an Ass...

 I feel sufficiently dumb for not putting this together sooner.

 At least 99% of moderns do not reach maturity. They remain children. This is the intended effect of Prussian school.
 These children have children. A child intending to raise a child will merely play the [raising a child] game. The grandchild is not raised, they remain a child.
 Naturally the nurture will have no effect if there is no nurturing.
 Harris finds that "peer groups" raise the child because they're all feral street urchins raising each other due to lack of adult supervision.

 In the unlikely event that any adult parents agree to join the study, Harris ignores them as outliers or noise.

 None of Harris' data applies to full adult parents attempting to shape their offspring.

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