Thursday, December 14, 2023

All Reporting is Non Representative

 All journalists lie about prevalence.

 "A transgender activist was one of two stabbed Sunday [...] at a home in Boston's Dorchester neighborhood, authorities said Monday. " 

 "Jahaira DeAlto was hosting Marcus Chavis and his family when Chavis killed her and his wife, Fatima Yasin, while also stabbing a dog"

 You may almost be forgiven for thinking that there's been a big upswing in violence against liberals. "They're really dying like flies." However, it's journalism, so, like, fuck off. This is from '21. There's only been an upswing of reports of something that already happens often.

 A bunch of liberals don't get the joke, host criminals in their houses or talk to them on the streets, and get crime'd. I've seen it first hand. "You moron, why did you invite these practically homeless idiots. Well anyway I'm not coming back to one of these, because lol wtf." This guy was the son of a christian priest, seriously considered being a Prussian school teacher, and took drugs for some mental instability. It's very much a type.

 In extreme cases they backpack across Africa and get raped to death. It's not a huge fraction of the population, it's the autistic-naivete fraction. 

 You do indeed need a scientific study to track a trend. Naturally, the NSF will not issue a grant to study any such thing, so there's no real evidence either way. If Russia were smart they would fund the study - it's not like you need to be American, or even speak English, to run the study. Now that would be destroying your opponents with facts and logic.

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