Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Darkest Day Postscript

 The symbolically darkest day is considered to be Christ's birthday.

 When he was born it was symbolically maximum darkness? Sounds like the antichrist, not the regularchrist. 

 Speaking of, this guy's symbol is an implement of torture and execution. It's a symbol that is rightly associated with mainly criminals. Especially the most heinous criminals, not, like, petty thieves or whatever. Even adultery only gets stoning, not crucifixion. 

 Oh wait, that's because Yeshua was the antichrist. It was Satan the whole time. Can you even say they're trying to hide it? You can listen to what they themselves tell you about themselves, then assume atheism is what it appears to be. 

 I interpret it as christ == antichrist and antichrist == christ. If you need anointing (christening) it means you're not holy on the inside. It's only some sacred oil on the outside. Appearance, not substance. Oil isn't exactly a tool for heavy lifting - it can't stop you being profane on your behalf. 

 Something something died on your behalf... anyway you can do that part yourself. I'm done for today.

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