Friday, May 17, 2024

In Praise of Feminism

 [Question everything] often cashes out to mean [condemn everyone]. Can we condemn anti-feminists? With effort, I believe we can. Yes, even these ones are doing it wrong.

 Feminism is about stripping women of all responsibility. The steelman: what if, indeed, that's the point? 

 Wouldn't that be nice as an option? To be entirely free of self-discipline? Simply follow your impulses during every waking moment. Certainly we can't have this utopia for everyone, but that aside it's not in fact infeasible. It is possible for it to be an option for women. 

 Ironically, anti-feminists are typically Communists. It's about Envy. They envy the idea of a woman who never needs to control herself. She never needs to fear the outside because men will protect her, and she never needs to fear the inside because men will force her; make her unable to follow her self-destructive impulses.

 Universal basic womancome. Provided for unconditionally, with the proviso that discipline is also provided. 

 You can see the peacocking potential. "Yes, my wife is completely useless. I can afford it." Compete to apply as little discipline to the woman as possible.

 If the goal is this truly Democratic utopia, to give this absolute childhood to as many as society can afford to give it to, then feminism is indeed the way. It has gone too far in a few places, here and there. Feminists think in utopia men can even afford abuse, and this is not true. There are certain responsibilities that cannot be dispensed with, and one is to cooperate with cooperators. To give women this utopia, where they don't have to reign in their own impulses, men must be allowed to physically force them not to be abusive. The marriage contact can't have no responsibilities at all; men must demand the utopia just as women do, which means they have to be paid for this supply in some currency they find valuable. 

 Feminists and anti-feminists don't have to fight. They fight because they choose to. Their utopia is a world of eternal war, and probably death.
 It must be intentional, because they're not changing strategies. It is very stable, so it must be working for them. I just wish I didn't have to live anywhere near these demons.


Anonymous said...

Interesting change in your language

Alrenous said...

I wonder if women don't want to see each other's tits any more than you want to see another dude's junk, but chicks are too stupid to cooperate and cover up.

Modesty laws come from men, but might primarily be for the benefit of women. "I love the burkha" exactly the same way guys rather enjoy, you know, pants.