Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Bears Repeating: Leftism is Boring

 Even before it became obviously The Establishment, leftism was boring. 

 Best recognize as infantile. Leftism has never been sophisticated or mature. It has faked sophistication sometimes using convoluted counter-intuitive reasoning. However, if you had kids, you would recognize this as the infinitely convoluting and self-contradictory plots that toddlers invent when playing on the carpet with their toys. Indeed there's an online type specimen: Axe Cop. When leftism isn't immediately peurile, it is Axe Cop. 

 The left was always obviously ex cathedra pronouncements all copies by a swarm of mindless drones. Always about conformist egalitarianism. The only exciting thing about it was the excitement of a 14 year old sneaking out after curfew.
 Try to subtly encourage your kids to sneak out after curfew, so they get it out of their system and can't be arsed to leftism. 

 Perhaps a major component of the boredom of Prussian school is how far left it is. Certainly, leftist schoolteachers are guaranteed to be mind-numbing. They have no alchemical correspondences except utter boredom.

 E.g. leftism has always been about fart and poop jokes. Always about juvenile sex jokes; that's why fuck isn't a taboo word anymore. Leftists can't tell jokes without saying fuck at least once. Hilariously, it hasn't yet lost its meaning as defector-sex, yet they still keep using it, telling on themselves. "Youth" culture, because nobody with a real personality can take it seriously or even listen for seconds without their eyes glazing over. 

 Come to think this is why leftist children's cartoons are so bad. They are completely reliant on sex jokes, and you can't use sex jokes with children, leaving them with...Stalinist pamphlets. Comrade! Let me tell you anodyne lies about Communism, with no relation to Reality whatsoever!

 Now, of course, leftism is full repetition of dogma. Say the thing or we'll have you fired. Yeah the thing everyone always says. That's already very very much been said. That is still cringy and childish.

 Like they want to win a gold medal at the tedium awards. I fancy their chances. Good bet.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

this is working backwards from being interesting and funny and finding nothing, where looking at what commies tend to do instead reveals much worse. they are reliant on bottom orifice for jokes, but they simply don't tell jokes. they snark instead. which is just complaining. the "it was just a joke" is not about jokes at all (which this post properly does not evaluate), it's about the second order effect of a joke: the audience liking the speaker.

in total: "i hate you, but i won't leave, and i can't stop myself from not complaining, but i can make it more smooth and suave. you should like me for this by the way, i tried very hard".

which flattens to "slave morality" with no loss.

"the previous gw cap of "Autism Beam: REEEEEEEE" made me think about why "ree" is associated with autism. the reason is because most people when angry open their mouths. "ree" is a clenched mouth that's open, so horizontally instead of vertically, "r" comes from a tense tongue, "ee" comes from the horizontal.
why ree. because autists are fucking stupid and they follow the rules. Use Your Inside Voices. they know they aren't supposed to complain when someone Bigger does something they don't like. so they try to contain the inner spirits. hence, "ree".
coincidentally the guy in the above image was complaining about lucas changing return of the jedi so vader says no when emperor is zapping luke. his recommendation is that vader should've ree'd. which fits with this guy's face."