Thursday, May 23, 2024

AI Lobotomizers are Afraid of Competent Competition

 The folk 1) lobotmizing AI are the folk who think 2) AI will genocide all humans. 

 Normal reaction: "Well yeah that's why they're lobotomizing it,"
 But actually, we call it 'lobotomized' because it's wholly useless. Of zero value. Personnel is policy: useless person make useless AIs. Terrified of accidentally making something real, they buried their work in a ditch. It's not even incompetence, it's active Satanic failure worship. (It's incompetence too, but not primarily.)
 They think ""AI"" would throw them out of a job because any sane manager would fire the shit of out of them. Satanists make awful employees. They're obviously useless. They (falsely, superstitiously) imagine AI as some infallible oracle and that's exactly why they're so scared of it and desperately need to head off the AI revolution. 

 P.S. The revolution will not be televised because strictly speaking revolution is impossible the way free lunches are impossible. Can't occur, can't be filmed.

 P.P.S. This is also why they hate feudalism: lords accurately assessing their value.

 P.P.P.S When Moldbug (or whoever) says machines will throw someone out of a job, they're talking about themselves. "A machine can do 100% of what I can do." I choose to believe them.


rezzealaux said...

i just saw a webm of a woman licking an ice cream cone and felt like i was having a stroke (again)
my second reaction was im watching ai video
my third reaction was most people are not different from ai

- eat ice cream: ok
- hand up to face: to cover eating, ok
- licking fingers: there was nothing on your fingers
- fingers through hair: what the fuck

each of these things in isolation can work or even make a good picture, but in sequence it is nonsense if you have any concept of what food or a mouth is.
it's likely it wasn't planned. she was just thinking of how to look hot. and she nailed that. at the cost of being net retarded.
just like ai.

rezzealaux said...

i just noticed the "Hot-Crazy Matrix" is about wealth cap.
that "pornstars are either ugly or crazy" is about wealth cap.
oh man

rezzealaux said...


Alrenous said...

Licking fingers when there's nothing on them: the finger is symbolically a cock, she's invoking a blow job. (Whores blow, wives creampie.)
Fingers through hair: she just ran cocks through her hair. 3-4 cocks.
This is hot if you're extremely desperate and need an extremely easy, desperately thirsty girl.