Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Anti-Procrastination Tip: Feels not Reals

 When you, or especially a Fascist man, says "reals not feels" you have to be careful you're not letting Satan psyop you into atropia. When you form a plan, you imagine a future, and, idiot, the way you feel about this future is in fact a fact about that future. If that imagined feeling is incongruent with your actual beliefs, your brain won't buy the plan, and you will correctly [procrastinate]. Even, or perhaps especially, because all the [facts] about the plan are perfectly accurate. 

 The point of any plan is the feelings associated with it. Either the feelings of carrying out the plan, or the feelings associated with the result of the plan. If the plan is only a coherent plan when portrayed associated with false feelings, it is a false plan. Your brain will rightly reject it. 

 E.g. the point of going to the grocery store isn't not to starve to death, it's not to feel hungry. At best you can say that the feeling of starving to death is to be avoided. All plans are ultimately emotional. Reason is vassal to values. All activity is ultimately recreational, the only question is whether it's setting up future recreation, or is the future recreation that was set up.  

 Fascist men in particular, trying extremely hard not to look [[gay]] will pretend they don't have feelings. They will pretend the plan is fully factual, and refuse to pay attention to the feelings they're associating with it. This makes it impossible for them to identify the false note in the plan and address it. 


 This one is particularly Satanic. Social reality is all about falsifying your feelings. The source of the incongruent imaginary emotions is either narcissism or conformity. 

 If your brain isn't buying you plan, ask yourself: in this situation I imagine, would I in fact feel the way I am predicting I would feel? I find a great way to find the answer is to just do it and go look. If the theory isn't crystal clear, try experiment.


1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

"Social reality is all about falsifying your feelings"

perfectionism ?= superegoism