Saturday, November 18, 2023

Wishes vs. Intraracial Biodiversity

  "Every Western story about wishes centers on the fact that you should be careful what you wish for because we don’t truly understand what we want or need"

 Thanks for reminding me. Been wanting to lampoon this for a while, but forgot the details.

 Naturally, this is Egalitarianism.

 Peasants don't understand what they want or need. Aristocrats and leaders in general must know their wishes exactly, or they wouldn't be able to bring them about. Wishing for the wrong thing is very much a follower trait. 

 Can you imagine? Engineer: designs plane. Peasant: "You don't know what you truly understand." [sic]. Engineer: "Bro...the plane stays up." 

 The peasant isn't even numerate. Let's talk about Adam's fruit for a minute. What colour was it? How big? How did it taste? What were the flowers like? How did they smell? Did the fruit keep? Would it make a good jam? Did Adam have to skin it? Maybe it cooks well, like tomatoes? What were the seeds like, or did it have a pit? "Herp a derp, stop overthinking it."

 Meanwhile, the engineer knows the exact tortion the screws need to be subjected to, and if he doesn't, the wings fall off. 

 The noble hides his specific plans for the manor. He knows the peasants would just be upset if they had to grapple with it.

 No shit the peasant doesn't know what to wish for, they don't even know. They just, don't know. They kinda just don't in general. The peasant lives in a hazy nonverbal dreamworld with vague blobs tenuously related to each other, sometimes. He can't even master the social nuances, let alone the physical world.

 Always remember the class differences. Denounce egalitarianism implicitly.

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