Thursday, November 30, 2023

Liberalism Isn't Freedom

 "Just insist freedom is good, and don't be pathetic about it, how difficult is that?"

 In a sane society, for most, the live options are to choose to be ordered around by the best lord who will have them, or try to go it alone, fuck it up, be a criminal, and get executed. I'ma repeat myself: they can choose the lord they were going to choose anyway, or choose annihilation. Humans are evil, and evil is banal and weak, so they are pathetic and have to have their decisions overridden. Overridden either by orders from someone fundamentally inhuman, or by the fundamentally inhuman force known as [Death]. If you let humans make decisions, they poison your society and it dies. This contradicts, at length, the premise.

 But yes, for the virtuous and just, freedom is plain good. Because they're virtuous, if you try to take their freedom from them, they will wisely recognize you as an enemy, and their virtue-backed attacks (disciplined, courageous) are extremely dangerous. It's one of the major reasons a free-human society is so bad: you antagonize the virtuous and they profit from your downfall, both incrementally and overall. It's not like the grassmonkeys can stop their inhuman opponents.

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