Thursday, November 2, 2023

Culture Critique is Fake

 There are no critics of the culture. None of it isn't Sailer's Law of Female Journalists. The criticism boils down to, "I don't get as much status as I would like." "We should change the game to the kind of games I win." 

 These 'critics' still crave social approval. Being correct isn't the point, the point is to be envied. Because being envied is the point, the "right" wing "critics" can't accept a king - that would make the king envied instead of them. Counterproductive. The direct opposite of the point of the exercise. 

 Isn't it obvious? The first thing a culture critic should accept is criticism about themselves. Kant is indeed correct sometimes. If others can be doing it wrong, then the critic themselves must also be capable of doing it wrong. If the point of the criticism is improvement, then the critic must show that humans can improve.

 It's rather clear that culture critics instead elaborately demonstrate that improvement is impossible. There is only replacement. To accept criticism would mean to accept that someone was wiser, more insightful, or more generally virtuous than the critic. Again, the direct opposite of the point of the exercise. 

 Naturally there are those who genuinely can edit the culture, but they're already winning and loss aversion alone will stop any push for any substantial changes, never mind everything else.

 The best the culture critics can do is to go the gym instead of not going to the gym. As if anyone is going to think less of them for buying a membership in a fully light-side commercial enterprise. Folks, this doesn't exactly demonstrate social bravery. Let me tell you about homeschooling real quick. Some Christians mistakenly thought public schools were anti-Christian instead of hyper-Christian, and thus felt forced to take their kids out of school, thus making homeschooling a live option. 

 The critics can't do anything without having first received permission. Which forms a very ugly mixture with their unwillingness to supply honours to anyone but themselves. Forms an even worse mixture with the fact that they can get permission. They implicitly let someone have honours, but stridently refuse to admit it. Revealing who they truly honour would extensively ravage the scam. These 'dissidents' still crave the approval of the existing sovereign, and that's all it was ever about.

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