Friday, November 17, 2023

Sacrifice is Profane

 "Sacrifice is the blood of religion's beating heart."

 No it isn't.  

 "I am a Christian man of pagan sentiment."

 Wow that confession arrived immediately. Praise be.

 Satanist is Satanic. Sacrifice is Satanic. 

 Look, it's real simple. You want your mom to give you something. So you kill your brother. "Please mom, look favourably upon my request."

 Or you're Odin, and you pluck out your eye and hand it to her. "Mom teach me to read and write." Hey voidskull, how are you supposed to read without eyes.

 Yeah, no. You fucking imbeciles. 

 The weird thing is that all the stories clearly show that sacrifice is profane. The myths appear to be basically accurate. Agamemnon is cursed for his sacrifice, as is meet for profanity. Only IRL the winds wouldn't have done anything special - this falsehood is apparently the part Caino hypocriens hyperfocuses on. God prevents Abraham from sacrificing his son - but apparently the Atheists think the important part is being willing to do so on command. 

 "Articulate religions imply sacrifice is paradoxical. Demanded and damned at once." More precisely, Satan is a liar. Yes, Reality seems all complicated and mysterious when you need to reconcile falsehoods and truth. The only thing you should "sacrifice" is your own narcissism. 

 "It is the connection of value with transgression, where man reaches for divine. [...] Without blood is like unwatered plant." You're literally crazy. Get yourself committed. 

 Is your intuition complaining? Trade isn't sacrifice, unless you're crazy entitled I suppose. If you give up something of value to receive something of greater value, that's just commerce. Notably stabbing a goat and burning it to charcoal isn't trading away value, it's pointless vandalism. The gods don't want your trash any more than you want it. 

 Religion is far too important to allow madmen anywhere near it. Those of profane brain cannot be purified. And no you can't "sacrifice" the mental illness. The gods don't want your trash any more than you want it. 

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