Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Everyday Cargo Cults: Homelessness

 Cargo-cult behaviour is a human universal. Usually it starts with cope, just as with the original cargo cult. 

 In this case, it's trying to solve the 'homelessness' problem by putting a roof over their head. Hey moron, the problem with the ""homeless"" isn't the lack of a house, the problem is they're the kind of person who can't reliably provision themselves with shelter. This sort of thing comes with, shall we say, co-morbidities. They're not pleasant and happy folk who happen to have accidentally misplaced this month's rent money. If you put them all in houses at great taxpayer expense, you have not even addressed the problem, let alone solved it.

 You can go ahead and blame this particular cargo cult on the wordcels. They made up a new fake word to describe bums and vagrants, then psyopped themselves into thinking bums were merely "homeless." 

 You've sure made a great stink about looking like you're helping, though. It's considered impolite, even criminal, to point out a cargo cult is a cargo cult. Especially when it's aggravating the symptoms. 

 Especial shame for this moron

 Force all the homeless into houses* or back to where they came from. This is your genius solution? You really suppose they didn't think of that already? The reason it's not happening is not lack of "good intentions" lol roflmao. 

"This is a long read but a fantastic one"  peggymangot/status/1697664909021155463
Plato said it first: "They will be consumed by the bad and the desire for the bad." Actively laud debasement and scorn virtue. Some idiots are shocked that demand for the bad leads to supply of the bad.

*(Isn't that jail with extra steps?)

 Real-name namefags. Not even once. Don't even have the sophistication to realize they need to be pseudonymous...

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